3D Printed Molds, Bridges, and More: October 21, 2023 brings you the latest news in 3D printing.


Welcome to the latest edition of 3D Printing News Briefs! Today we have some exciting news about partnerships in the metal AM market, advancements in SLS 3D printing for high volume production, and the deployment of 3D printers for critical spare parts in Ukraine. We will also take a look at concrete 3D printing and the use of 3D printed molds. Let’s dive in!

Meltio, a leading manufacturer of laser metal deposition technology, has announced a new partnership with PRECISE Trading LLC. As an official sales partner, PRECISE will help Meltio expand its presence in the metal additive manufacturing (AM) market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. With its expertise and customer-centric approach, PRECISE will play a crucial role in driving business opportunities and fostering partnerships with various stakeholders. Meltio’s metal AM solutions are built around affordable welding wire as a metal feedstock, making them accessible and cost-effective. Together, Meltio and PRECISE aim to meet the growing demand for metal additive manufacturing in the GCC market.

Israeli startup 3DM Digital Manufacturing is on a mission to revolutionize the AM industry through its SLS 3D printing technology. The company aims to cater to the needs of high volume production applications and is actively seeking strategic partners to achieve this goal. With customizable machines and specialized quantum cascade lasers, 3DM has the technology to make additive manufacturing a preferred option for mass production. By collaborating with industry experts and partners, 3DM plans to enhance its existing products and make them more suitable for specific high volume production needs. The company believes that additive manufacturing has the potential to transform supply chains worldwide, and strategic partnerships will help them achieve this vision.

In the realm of military equipment, Ukraine has received industrial-scale 3D printers from the U.S. to fabricate critical spare parts. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, William A. LaPlante, shared the news that the U.S. Department of Defense supplied Ukraine with seven large SPEE3D printers. These printers, described as “the size of a truck,” will be deployed near the frontlines to produce key components for military equipment. Ukrainian soldiers have undergone extensive training from SPEE3D experts, learning everything from engineering design theory to operating the printers. By using these 3D printers, Ukraine aims to quickly produce essential parts for armored platforms and military equipment systems on the battlefield.

Turning our attention to concrete 3D printing, researchers at ORNL have successfully used a 3D printed polymer composite mold to produce precast concrete parts for a building in New York City. This technique offers several advantages over traditional wooden molds, including better cost-efficiency, dimensional accuracy, and reduced environmental impact. The researchers conducted a techno-economic analysis that highlights the benefits of using 3D printed molds for concrete production. With further advancements in this field, 3D printed molds could become a standard practice in the construction industry.

That wraps up our roundup of the latest 3D printing news. Stay tuned for more updates on innovative technologies and applications in the world of additive manufacturing.

Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Advancements in 3D Printing Across Industries

In recent years, 3D printing technology has revolutionized various industries by offering innovative solutions to traditional manufacturing processes. From precast concrete molds to aerospace connectors and bicycle bridges, the possibilities seem endless. In this blog post, we will delve into some exciting developments in the world of 3D printing and how they are transforming different sectors.

One notable study conducted by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) focused on comparing the benefits of 3D printed molds against conventional wood molds for precast concrete. Traditionally, wood molds have been widely used in construction, requiring specialized skills for their fabrication. However, 3D printing offers a more economically beneficial alternative by utilizing fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Not only does this method allow for faster production of complex molds, but the composites can also be recycled, making them a more sustainable choice. By optimizing mold designs for additive manufacturing, carbon emissions and energy demand are significantly reduced, paving the way for a more environmentally friendly construction process.

Moving from construction to aviation, Dufour Aerospace, a company focused on developing efficient and ecological aircraft, has recently partnered with 9T Labs, a Swiss composites manufacturing technology firm. The collaboration aims to incorporate 3D printed structural composite connectors, such as hinges and brackets, into Dufour Aerospace’s uncrewed tilt-wing aircraft, Aero2. By replacing certain structural metal parts with lightweight thermoplastic composite alternatives, the weight of the aircraft can be minimized. The significance of smaller components should not be underestimated when it comes to reducing overall weight, and 3D printing provides a solution that combines durability and strength without compromising performance.

Shifting our gaze to the Netherlands, the renovation of the N243 road, encompassing the Schermerhornerweg, Middenweg, and Noordervaart, has created an opportunity to incorporate 3D printed bicycle bridges. Designed by Witteveen+Bos and printed in concrete by Saint-Gobain Weber in Eindhoven, these bridges not only enhance cyclist safety but also exemplify the sustainable future that 3D concrete printing represents. With the freedom afforded by 3D printing, the bridges feature unique railings paying tribute to the Beemster and Schermer. Furthermore, the reduction in material usage compared to traditional construction methods results in lower CO2 emissions and less waste, aligning with the growing trend of circular building practices.

In another groundbreaking development, Ackerstein Industries, an Israeli company specializing in concrete products, has entered the realm of 3D concrete printing through a strategic partnership with Dutch company CyBe Construction. This move allows Ackerstein to venture into designing, manufacturing, and marketing unique 3D printed products for its new product lines, including street furniture and retaining walls. By combining a special concrete mixture with a robotic arm 3D printer, the technology offers speed and efficiency, while also being more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

The above examples serve as a testament to the transformative potential of 3D printing across industries. As the technology continues to advance and become more accessible, we can expect further breakthroughs and innovations that challenge conventional manufacturing methods. From reducing costs and carbon emissions to enabling greater design freedom and customization, the possibilities are limited only by our imagination. Embracing this technology opens up endless opportunities to redefine the way we create and build, ultimately shaping a more sustainable and efficient future.

In the world of manufacturing, advancements in technology have revolutionized the way products are made. One such innovation that has caught the attention of industry leaders is 3D printing. This cutting-edge technology allows for the creation of complex and customized designs with ease and precision.

Recently, at the IBEX 2023 Marine Technology Tradeshow in Tampa, Florida, Massivit 3D Printing Technologies introduced its Massivit 10000-G system to the maritime sector. This massive additive manufacturing (AM) system has the capability to create custom molds, jigs, fixtures, end parts, prototypes, and master tools through high-speed printing. It combines large-scale tooling applications with manufacturing and prototyping applications specific to boatbuilding. With its built-in Gel Dispensing Printing (GDP) and hydrophobic, thermoset Dimengel materials, the Massivit 10000-G enables the production of interior fittings, radar masts, stern extensions, and hydrofoils, among others.

What makes the Massivit 10000-G truly remarkable is its ability to overcome common production challenges in the marine industry. By reducing material waste from machining and decreasing labor-associated costs, this printer can significantly improve efficiency and productivity. The CEO of Massivit, Erez Zimerman, believes that this innovation sets a new standard for automated, custom manufacturing and is ahead of its time.

Another notable addition to the 3D printing market is the Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro. Designed with beginners in mind, this printer boasts an array of features that make 3D printing easier and faster. Equipped with a pre-assembled nozzle, automatic leveling system, and out-of-the-box design, it simplifies the printing process for newcomers. With a flow rate of 32mm³/s, maximum speed of 600 mm/s, and maximum acceleration of 20000 mm/s², the Adventurer 5M Pro is ideal for rapid printing.

Safety is a top priority for the Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro. Its enclosed chamber and dual air filtration system block 99% of particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ensuring a clean and healthy printing environment. The printer also features real-time remote monitoring, filament depletion alerts, and automatic power-off after printing is complete. With its quick heat-up time of 35 seconds and vibration compensation mechanism, the Adventurer 5M Pro delivers high-quality prints with precision and clarity.

Meanwhile, London-based technology company Mayku aims to revolutionize manufacturing with its benchtop pressure forming technology. The company has introduced an enhanced Multiplier Pressure Former that enables the production of injection molding-quality 3D printed parts on a larger scale. This innovation allows designers and engineers to capture sub-micron details for accurate and reliable prototypes and end-use parts. Mayku’s new custom mode and reducing plate accessory provide more control over heat and pressure capacities, as well as expanded material options, including hard-to-print thermoplastics like polypropylene and PMMA.

At Mayku, the focus is on making mass production accessible to everyone. They believe that the Multiplier Pressure Former brings engineers and designers closer to the parts they create by combining accuracy, repeatability, and intricate detail. The enhanced Multiplier is available through a global network of partners, and existing customers will receive an over-the-air update to access new functionalities.

The introduction of these groundbreaking technologies marks a significant step forward in the world of 3D printing. As companies like Massivit, Flashforge, and Mayku continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, it is clear that 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing in various industries. From the maritime sector to rapid printing and pressure forming, the possibilities are endless. With these advancements, the future of manufacturing is set to be faster, more efficient, and more customizable than ever before.

Title: The Fusion of Traditional Industry and Cutting-Edge Technology: Mayku’s Revolutionary Solution


In an era where technology is revolutionizing industries, it is fascinating to witness the harmonious collaboration between old-school manufacturing and modern 3D printing. Mayku, a pioneering company, has ingeniously merged heavy manufacturing floor machinery with the convenience, speed, and adaptability of 3D printing. This groundbreaking amalgamation is set to redefine the manufacturing landscape, offering limitless possibilities and propelling industries towards unprecedented levels of innovation and efficiency.

The Remarkable Transformation:

Mayku, led by Benjamin Redford, the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, has harnessed the power of 3D printing to bridge the gap between conventional manufacturing processes and the demands of a rapidly evolving world. By integrating this cutting-edge technology with heavy machinery, Mayku has unlocked a realm of opportunities previously unexplored.

The Benefits:

One of the standout advantages of this fusion lies in the convenience it offers. Traditionally, heavy manufacturing floor machinery required intricate tooling and prolonged setup times. With Mayku’s revolutionary solution, manufacturers can bid farewell to the arduous task of tooling changes and setup adjustments. Instead, they can now swiftly switch between the production of different parts or prototypes using 3D printing capabilities. This seamless transition not only saves time but also increases productivity, allowing manufacturers to meet market demands efficiently.

Additionally, the speed associated with 3D printing enables manufacturers to reduce lead times dramatically. With conventional manufacturing, waiting for molds or tooling adjustments could cause significant delays. Mayku’s integration of 3D printing technology eliminates these bottlenecks, enabling prompt production and delivery of products to customers.

Moreover, adaptability is a crucial aspect in today’s rapidly changing market requirements. Mayku’s integration addresses this need flawlessly. With 3D printing capabilities, manufacturers can effortlessly modify designs, iterate prototypes, and respond rapidly to design changes or customer demands. This newfound flexibility empowers manufacturers to remain competitive and stay at the forefront of their industries.

The Future of Manufacturing:

As Mayku’s innovative solution gains traction, the future of manufacturing is poised for transformative changes. This remarkable fusion of traditional industry with cutting-edge technology paves the way for new innovative products, cost-effective production processes, and exciting business opportunities.


Mayku, spearheaded by Benjamin Redford, has set a new benchmark in the world of manufacturing by masterfully combining heavy machinery with the boundless possibilities of 3D printing. The convenience, speed, and adaptability offered by this integration are game-changers for industries seeking sustainable growth and operational excellence. This inspiring marriage of traditional manufacturing and advanced technology promises a future where innovation and efficiency thrive hand in hand. Stay informed about the latest updates from the 3D printing industry and discover the transformative power it holds for businesses worldwide.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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