3DPrinting.com analyzes 3D printed alloy microstructures using X-rays.


Using X-rays to Unlock the Secrets of 3D Printing

Researchers at Cornell University have taken a unique approach to studying the 3D printing process by employing X-ray technology. By utilizing X-rays, the team was able to visualize the microstructure of a 3D printed metal alloy in real-time, providing valuable insights into its development.

Traditionally, researchers analyze condensed diffraction data to learn about the properties and characteristics of 3D printed materials. However, by delving into the raw detector images produced by X-rays, the team gained a comprehensive view of the nickel-based superalloy IN625’s formation.

The X-ray observation revealed various thermomechanical deformations on a microscale, including bending, fragmentation, and oscillation. These deformations play a crucial role in determining the mechanical characteristics of the final product. By understanding these deformations, researchers can tailor the materials to have specific mechanical properties.

“We always look at these microstructures after processing, but there’s a lot of information that you’re missing by conducting only postmortem characterizations. Now we have tools to be able to watch these microstructural evolutions as they are happening,” said Atieh Moridi, assistant professor at Cornell.

The research focused on IN625, a nickel-based superalloy, which was applied to a surface using a nozzle and then melted with a laser. By closely observing the formation of the alloy, the researchers were able to identify various microstructural features, such as torsion, bending, fragmentation, assimilation, oscillation, and interdendritic growth.

The implications of this research are significant for the field of additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing. By being able to observe the material development in real-time, researchers can make more informed decisions about material selection and processing methods. This increased precision will lead to optimized outcomes and improved material development in the 3D printing industry.

As real-time observation becomes more commonplace, the industry will benefit from enhanced material properties and better understanding of in-process dynamics. The ability to produce materials tailored to desired mechanical characteristics will revolutionize the field of additive manufacturing.

If you would like to dive deeper into the details of this research, you can access the original paper at this link. We would love to hear your thoughts on this fascinating study, so feel free to share your opinions on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up to date with the latest stories in the industry.

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