“3DPrinting.com features the latest breakthroughs in Smooth-Mode Technology for producing 3D printed rubber parts.”


3D printing technology has come a long way in recent years, with the ability to create complex shapes and structures that were once thought to be impossible. However, one of the persistent challenges of 3D printing has been the issue of surface roughness. Many 3D printed components have visible layer lines or a rough texture, which can be problematic for certain applications.

Chromatic 3D Materials, a leading innovator in the field of 3D printing, has developed a solution to this problem with their Smooth-Mode technology. This revolutionary technology allows for the 3D printing of durable rubber parts with high-quality finishes, eliminating the need for post-processing or surface finishing.

The key to Chromatic’s Smooth-Mode technology lies in their fine-tuning of thermoset polyurethane material properties. By optimizing the viscosity and surface tension of the material, the company has been able to achieve superior dimensional accuracy and surface finishes. This is particularly important for applications such as seals and gaskets, where a smooth surface is essential for proper functioning.

One of the major advantages of Chromatic’s Smooth-Mode technology is its versatility. Unlike other 3D printing methods that are limited to specific materials or printing techniques, Smooth-Mode technology utilizes chemistry to achieve ultra-bonded, smooth parts. This means that it can be used with a wide range of materials and printing methods, including Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). In fact, Chromatic’s RX-AM platform is specifically designed to support the deployment of Smooth-Mode technology.

The RX-AM platform is a 3-in-1 system that incorporates materials, software, and hardware designed for deposition printing using reactive chemistry. It offers a range of printable polyurethanes with different hardness levels, ranging from 50 to 90 Shore A. This allows for the creation of custom grades with specific properties, such as antibacterial or static discharge capabilities.

According to Dr. Cora Leibig, the CEO and founder of Chromatic, the development of Smooth-Mode technology is a major breakthrough for the 3D printing industry. “Sealing requires a smooth surface, but 3D-printed parts have always had layer lines or roughness,” said Dr. Leibig. “We have developed a way to easily and cost-effectively 3D print products that are ultra-smooth without additional steps. It’s a breakthrough for 3D printing those professional applications that must be airtight and watertight.”

Indeed, Chromatic’s Smooth-Mode technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of 3D printing by offering a robust solution for producing high-quality rubber parts that meet stringent industrial specifications. As this technology becomes more widespread, it is likely to set new benchmarks for quality and efficiency in 3D printing of elastomeric materials.

If you’re interested in learning more about Chromatic’s Smooth-Mode technology and how it can benefit your business, be sure to visit their website and connect with them on social media. And don’t forget to sign up for their weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

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