3DPrinting.com provides an update on the Bio-Based 3D Printed Home at UMaine.


Maine is facing a significant challenge of providing over 84,000 homes by 2030. However, the University of Maine has come up with an innovative solution to this housing demand. They have developed a bio-based 3D printed home, which was recently showcased at the Orono campus.

The 600 sq. ft. modular home, constructed from wood residuals, has proven to be resilient even in the harshest Maine winter conditions. Despite extreme wind chill factors, the structure showed no signs of expansion, contraction, or cracking. This is a testament to the durability and quality of the materials and construction techniques used.

One interesting aspect of this project is the plan to print another home soon that is specifically designed to house a family. In addition to meeting housing demands, the team is also focused on efficiency. The executive director of the university’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center, Habib Dagher, aims to complete the 3D printing of a home in just two days.

Looking ahead, there are more exciting projects in the pipeline. By 2026, a factory will be built to train engineers and enhance 3D printing capabilities. This facility will be dedicated to producing nine homes for a neighborhood project in collaboration with community non-profit Penquis.

It is also worth mentioning the financial aspect of these bio-based 3D printed homes. The cost of materials for the initial home was $40,000, excluding interior appliances. While this may seem expensive at first, Dagher sees it as a promising start with potential for further cost reduction in the future.

This development in 3D printing technology has the potential to revolutionize the housing industry in Maine and beyond. It offers sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective housing solutions. Moreover, it presents an opportunity to train the next generation of construction specialists in the Maine area.

We are excited about the possibilities that this project brings and would love to hear your thoughts. Join the conversation on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay updated on all the latest stories delivered right to your inbox.

Source: mainepublic.org

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