A pioneering metal atomization platform has been unveiled by Continuum Powders at Formnext.


Continuum Powders, formerly known as Molyworks, has recently introduced a groundbreaking metal powder atomization platform called Greyhound M2P 3.0 at Formnext 2023. This platform is seen as a major advancement in additive manufacturing’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions. The company claims that the Greyhound M2P 3.0 platform can reduce carbon intensity by 80% compared to existing metal powder methods.

With faster cycle times, adjustable order quantities, and customized alloy formulations, the Greyhound M2P 3.0 platform brings advanced manufacturing 3D printing to the forefront of carbon emissions reduction in industries known for high emissions. Its unique single-step atomization process allows for the recycling of alloyed metal waste into powder, eliminating the need for traditional operations and reducing the reliance on mining elemental metal resources.

The operational versatility of the Greyhound M2P 3.0 platform is attributed to its high-intensity transferred DC plasma heat source, which enables the melting and atomization of almost any metallic grade. Additionally, its cutting-edge cold hearth technology ensures optimal purity by trapping high-density inclusions. Recent upgrades to the platform have also increased throughput and batch processing capabilities, thanks to a continuous replenishment system that allows for uninterrupted atomization of input material into output powder.

Continuum Powders, based in Houston, Texas, believes that this platform upgrade will not only meet the demand for high-quality spherical metal powders, but also contribute significantly to decarbonization and sustainability goals by offering nearly carbon-free powder materials. By using 100% recycled feedstock, 100% green energy, and green argon atomization gas, Continuum Powders aims to establish its Optipowder as the new standard for sustainable metal powders.

Michael Corliss, VP of Technology at Knust-Godwin, commented, “Continuum Powders matches the highest quality performance of spherical metal powders today, but the real aspect that makes them completely disruptive to the industry is their ability to do so at a nearly carbon-zero footprint while being cost-competitive with the market.” Phil Ward, CEO of Continuum Powders, added, “We are solidly putting a stake in the ground as the definitive leader in sustainable metal powders. Continuum’s Optipowder is the new standard for sustainability.”

As the additive manufacturing sector continues to evolve, the future of 3D printing in the next decade is expected to bring new engineering challenges. To stay updated on the latest news in 3D printing, subscribe to the 3D Printing Industry newsletter, follow them on Twitter, or like their page on Facebook. If you’re interested in job opportunities in the additive manufacturing industry, visit 3D Printing Jobs for a selection of roles available.

The featured image is an image from the Continuum Powders website that showcases their capabilities and products.

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