After merging, MakerBot has announced a rebranding, called UltiMaker.


UltiMaker has recently announced a rebranding of MakerBot, a development that has surprised many in the industry. As someone who has been following both companies for over a decade, I must say that composing the sentence “UltiMaker announced a rebranding of MakerBot” feels quite strange. However, this is the reality that we are faced with since the two companies decided to merge some months ago.

At the time of the merger, both UltiMaker and MakerBot were well-established brands in the 3D printing space. This posed a challenge in terms of branding for the new company. It was crucial to identify a primary brand to avoid confusion among customers. The decision was made to go with the name “UltiMaker” as the main brand, with the capitalized “M” as a nod to MakerBot. However, they did not completely do away with the MakerBot brand.

Recently, UltiMaker has reinforced the MakerBot brand, particularly in the education market. MakerBot has been quite successful in this domain since its exit from the DIY space. If you visit the MakerBot webpage today, you will notice a significant shift in focus towards education. The page prominently states: “The only 3D printing ecosystem dedicated to education.” And they are likely correct in making this claim.

In an effort to consolidate their educational offerings, UltiMaker has created a dedicated site branded as “MakerBot”. This includes their Sketch series of desktop 3D printers for classrooms, as well as their comprehensive educational programs. Additionally, their cloud-based printing solution, CloudPrint, is part of this ecosystem. It simplifies the process of running a 3D printer in an educational setting.

While there is a link to “advanced 3D printers” on the MakerBot site, it simply redirects to the Method and S-series devices under the UltiMaker brand. UltiMaker is aware that some educational institutions may require this level of equipment for advanced courses. Therefore, they have made it available under the UltiMaker brand as well.

On the other hand, if you visit the main UltiMaker site, you will not find “education” listed as an application. Instead, they focus on industries such as automotive, defense, manufacturing, and product development. The advanced 3D printer, the Method series, is presented as an UltiMaker device only. The “MakerBot Method X” is now referred to as the “UltiMaker Method X”. This clear separation between the two companies’ offerings should make it easier for the public to navigate and understand their different product lines.

Looking back at the original MakerBot website from 15 years ago, it is astounding to see how far the company has come. The rebranding and emphasis on education signal an important shift in focus for UltiMaker and MakerBot. It will be interesting to see how this new direction unfolds and what it means for the future of 3D printing.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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