Ai Build secures significant investment with an unexpected turn of events.


Ai Build, a London-based software startup, announced that they have received a significant investment. This news is exciting, but what sets Ai Build apart from other cloud-based systems? Ai Build focuses on additive manufacturing at an industrial scale, which is a unique niche. They believe that while many manufacturers see the benefits of 3D printing, they struggle with the complex tools required to successfully execute print jobs. This is a major barrier to adopting the technology on a large scale.

To address this issue, Ai Build has developed AiSync, their cloud system. AiSync simplifies the creation of complex toolpaths through visual programming, replacing manual coding. It also includes a digital twin for visual build simulation and collision avoidance. In addition, AiSync offers powerful reporting and analytics to optimize the entire 3D printing process.

One of the most impressive features of AiSync is its ability to generate highly complex toolpaths, including multiplanar, segmented, 45 degree, and conformal toolpaths. This level of sophistication sets AiSync apart from other slicing tools.

But what makes AiSync truly remarkable is its single interface that guides operators through job preparation and execution without the need for interaction with other complex tools. It even includes an AI-based chat system to assist less experienced operators.

In a recent funding round, Ai Build secured an investment of US$8.5M. This funding will be used to accelerate their product roadmap and onboard more customers with higher levels of automation and AI capabilities. They also plan to expand into North America by opening a subsidiary in the US and continue their growth in Europe.

The twist in this story is that the investment came from Ai Build’s existing investors, including Superseed, ACT Venture Partners, Atlas Ventures (UK), Seedcamp, and one new investor: Nikon. Yes, Nikon, the optical company. This isn’t Nikon’s first venture into the world of 3D printing. They previously announced plans to acquire metal 3D printer manufacturer SLM Solutions. SLM Solutions focuses on larger-scale industrial metal additive production.

Nikon’s investment in Ai Build suggests a pattern. It seems that hardware manufacturers are recognizing the value of software in driving industrial activity in the additive manufacturing space. This acquisition aligns with other recent software acquisitions by hardware manufacturers, such as 3D Systems acquiring Oqton.

While it remains unclear if Nikon will eventually restrict Ai Sync to their 3D printing operations, this investment indicates a promising future for Ai Build. We will keep an eye on this scenario to see if Nikon increases their investment in the company.

Overall, Ai Build’s innovative approach to simplifying complex additive manufacturing processes, combined with the support of their investors, positions them well for success in the industry.

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