AMS Spotlight: Exploring Additive Manufacturing for Mobility Panel


When considering the applications of additive manufacturing (AM) that have received the most publicity in recent years, examples from the world of transportation often come to mind. Industries such as aerospace and automotive, which consistently require spare part supplies, are key drivers behind the steady adoption of AM. The demand for reliable spare parts is crucial for their operations, and this necessity became even more significant in light of the ongoing supply chain uncertainties.

These industries not only need to achieve mobility but also maintain it. Therefore, they need a continuous supply of high-quality spare parts. Companies and organizations revolving around transportation often face supply chain challenges, especially in the 2020s, which have been an era characterized by persistent supply chain disruptions. Such difficulties have hit those sectors hard that are responsible for producing the goods essential for keeping society functional.

Such challenges, in turn, have probably further worsened the supply chain issues, as the transport of various goods upon which society relies cannot occur if the vehicles needed for transportation are out of commission. As such, organizations implementing AM to maintain mobility play a unique role in setting an example for other early adopters of AM in terms of production.

Uniqueness is highly valued, specifically when it can provide insight from individuals leading the charge in AM for mobility. A unique opportunity to gain this insight is offered by the “AM for Mobility” panel at Additive Manufacturing Strategies (AMS) in New York City (February 6-8, 2024).

The panel, at 9:45 AM EST on February 7, 2024, moderated by Debbie Holton, CEO of Converge Consulting Group, features Stefanie Brickwede, managing director of Deutsche Bahn’s Mobility goes Additive (MgA), Matthew Sermon, the executive director for the US Navy’s Program Executive Office (PEO), Strategic Submarines, and Mario Dimovski, Director of Innovation and Transformation at Boyd Group, who also participated in the 3D Printing in Auto Repair Task Force.

Those participating in the panel are leading the development of the AM ecosystem for spare parts in transportation: trains, submarines, and cars regularly appear in AM news, and production for those markets indicates some best opportunities for scale available to OEMs and materials suppliers. “AM for Mobility” promises to be an invaluable conversation, one only available at AMS.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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