An innovative hybrid process is enabling the Lumia X1 to surpass limitations in resin 3D printing.


Introducing HPS: A Game-Changing 3D Printing Technology

Since the invention of stereolithography in the 80s, resin 3D printing has held a significant place in the additive manufacturing sector. Despite the existence of various variations, the most common techniques are DLP and SLA. However, choosing between these two methods can be challenging for users. SLA offers exceptional detail and precision but suffers from slow print speeds due to its point-by-point curing with a laser. On the other hand, DLP, which uses a projector or light generator, is faster but sacrifices accuracy.

But what if there was a way to combine the best aspects of these two technologies and eliminate their limitations? This dream has become a reality with Axtra3D’s revolutionary Hybrid PhotoSynthesis (HPS) process, integrated into their innovative Lumia X1 3D printer. Axtra3D, a startup founded in 2021 by Gianni Zitelli and Praveen Tummala, aims to open up new possibilities for the 3D printing industry with their HPS and TruLayer technologies.

The Lumia X1 printer combines both DLP and SLA in a unique hybrid process, offering more effective and larger-scale resin 3D printing. Unlike traditional methods, HPS uses a co-axial system that integrates an image generator and a laser, allowing them to work together synchronously and on the same wavelength and image plane. The image generator rapidly cures the bulk of the cross-section, providing the speed advantages of DLP, while the laser focuses on creating precise border contours for improved surface quality and accuracy at a 50-micron resolution. By combining these two techniques, Axtra3D has achieved unparalleled print speed, quality, and accuracy.

One common issue in resin printing is layers sticking to the build plate, causing delays. Axtra3D addresses this problem with their TruLayer technology, which incorporates a trio of sensors on the glass plate beneath the printer’s membrane. These sensors facilitate the swift detachment of the print layer from the vat membrane, eliminating inter-delays and doubling the printing speed. This innovation also allows for printing with highly viscous resins and ensures the longevity of the vat membrane.

The Lumia X1 not only offers groundbreaking technology but also emphasizes user freedom and support. Axtra3D remains committed to keeping the printer open, allowing users full access to parameters and materials. They also plan to disrupt the field service industry by providing 24/7 support with a guaranteed response time of 60 minutes. Leveraging augmented reality technology, Axtra3D aims to resolve issues remotely and efficiently.

In conclusion, Axtra3D’s Lumia X1 printer, with its HPS and TruLayer technologies, unlocks a new level of possibilities for resin 3D printing. The integration of DLP and SLA offers speed, accuracy, and surface quality, resolving the trade-offs that users have faced in the past. With its open approach and dedication to user support, Axtra3D is poised to make a significant impact on the 3D printing industry.

TruLayer Technology has revolutionized the 3D printing industry, giving us an edge over our competitors. We are thrilled to offer our customers a printer that delivers exceptional resolution, unparalleled accuracy, and lightning-fast print speeds, making it not only ideal for production applications but also economically viable.

But the Lumia X1 3D printer is more than just TruLayer Technology. It is built to industrial standards, ensuring a working life of 10+ years. Safety is a top priority, with features like ventilation, a magnetic interlock system, a UV shielded viewing window, and an emergency stop button.

The printer boasts a range of impressive features, including the Intelli-Cartridge, a double Z-Axis, an integrated 4k chamber camera, a large graphic user interface, and both online and offline modes. The Intelli-Cartridge has garnered particular attention, as it simplifies and automates the 3D printing process. It actively manages the resin, dispensing material in the vat, collecting excess material, and even stirring, heating, and filtering it.

With the Intelli-Cartridge, users can now utilize up to 8 liters of resin, eliminating the need for manual top-ups. Waste is minimized as the cartridge filters and returns excess resin, saving both materials and cost. The automatic mixing ensures consistent material levels in each layer, while infrared heaters maintain the optimal temperature.

All these features contribute to the Lumia X1’s efficiency and convenience in high-volume printing. Axtra3D has truly created a printer that meets the demands of the industry, providing users with excellent quality prints in a timely manner.

If you want to learn more about Axtra3D and the Lumia X1 3D printer, visit Axtra3D’s website or connect with them on LinkedIn. We would also love to hear your thoughts on the Lumia X1 3D printer. Drop a comment below or engage with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. And don’t forget to subscribe to our free weekly Newsletter for the latest 3D printing news delivered straight to your inbox. You can also check out our YouTube channel for all our videos.

(Photo Credits: Axtra3D)

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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