AnkerMake M5C review: A cost-effective and dependable 3D printer accessible to a large audience.


daily basis, the default settings on the M5C produce more than satisfactory results.

Another standout feature of the AnkerMake M5C is its user-friendly interface. The touchscreen display is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those who are new to 3D printing. The AnkerMake mobile app is also a helpful tool, allowing you to monitor and control your prints remotely. It’s a convenient feature for those times when you’re away from home but still want to keep an eye on your printer.

In terms of reliability, the M5C has been solid. I haven’t experienced any major issues or malfunctions during my testing period. The printer has been consistently consistent, delivering consistent quality prints time after time. This is crucial, especially for those who rely on their printer for professional projects or large-scale productions. It’s reassuring to know that the M5C can handle the workload without any hiccups.

One area where the AnkerMake M5C falls slightly short is its print volume. With a build volume of 220mm x 220mm x 250mm, it’s not the largest printer on the market. This might be a drawback for those who regularly work on larger projects or need to print multiple items at once. However, for most personal and small-scale printing needs, the M5C’s size is more than sufficient.

Overall, the AnkerMake M5C is a fantastic option for beginners or those looking for an affordable and reliable 3D printer. Its easy assembly, fast print speeds, and impressive print quality make it a standout in its price range. Whether you’re a hobbyist, a student, or a professional, the M5C is a printer that can meet your needs.

While Anker may not be the first name that comes to mind when thinking about 3D printing, their foray into the market with the AnkerMake line has been a success. The M5C is a prime example of their commitment to innovation and quality. If you’re in the market for a 3D printer, I highly recommend giving the AnkerMake M5C a try. It might just surprise you with its capabilities and reliability.

Introducing the AnkerMake M5C: A Fast, Reliable, and Impressive 3D Printer

When it comes to 3D printing, reliability and print quality are key factors to consider. As an avid 3D printing enthusiast, I have always relied on my Prusa Mini+ for its consistent performance and ability to print without any major flaws. However, after testing the AnkerMake M5C for a few weeks, I can confidently say that it stands in the same league as my trustworthy Mini+.

To put the M5C to the test, I printed a stress test design that incorporated various challenging aspects such as overhangs, gaps, shapes, and walls. I expected to find imperfections in the finer details, but to my surprise, I couldn’t identify any major flaws even after scrutinizing the print closely. The M5C truly delivers excellent print quality at full speed.

In any 3D printer, the software experience plays a crucial role. It is the software that converts STL files into GCODE files, guiding the printer’s actions through the slicing process. Popular programs like Cura and PrusaPrint offer polished experiences with granular controls over the printer and consistent print results. However, AnkerMake’s mobile and desktop apps, though functional, are still in beta versions and lack the full range of features.

This inconsistency and limited functionality can be frustrating, especially when it comes to tasks like changing filament colors. To my disappointment, the AnkerMake desktop app does not support the basic function of heating up and moving the nozzle, making it necessary for my kids to seek my assistance each time they want to switch filament colors. Although AnkerMake has released printer profiles for Cura and PrusaPrint, allowing users to use these apps to slice prints for the M5, controlling the printer and changing filament colors is still not possible.

Moreover, upon unboxing the M5C, I was disappointed to find that Anker did not include a small spool of plastic for test prints. As the M5C is designed for beginners, it would have been beneficial to include a small spool of PLA or other materials so that users can immediately start printing without the need to purchase additional supplies.

Despite these software and packaging shortcomings, the AnkerMake M5C remains a fast, reliable, and impressive 3D printer. Its ease of use makes it suitable for beginners, and the print quality is commendable. Anker seems to be addressing the software issues and working towards improving the overall user experience. However, it would be great if they could expedite the development of the desktop app and incorporate essential features to enhance user convenience.

For those venturing into 3D printing, the AnkerMake M5C is a great option. However, if you prefer a printer with more refined software and fewer quirks, the Prusa MK4, priced at $1,099, is worth considering.

In conclusion, the AnkerMake M5C offers impressive performance with excellent print quality and reliability. Although the software experience could use some improvements, the M5C remains an attractive option, especially for beginners. Anker should focus on refining their desktop app and addressing the user’s core needs. With these enhancements, the M5C has the potential to become a top contender in the 3D printing market.

10 Factors to Consider Before Investing in a Top-Notch 3D Printer

Finding the perfect 3D printer can be an exhilarating experience. The possibilities seem endless, and the prospect of bringing your creations to life is utterly captivating. However, the best 3D printers on the market often come with a hefty price tag. So, before you dive headfirst into buying the most expensive printer out there, let’s take a step back and consider a few things.

1. Your Needs: Are you an experienced designer looking to enhance your professional projects, or a curious hobbyist exploring the wonders of 3D printing? Aligning your needs with the capabilities of a printer is crucial. Bear in mind that a smaller, beginner-friendly option might be a better fit, both budget-wise and regarding your skill level.

2. Budget: Ah, the ever-important question of how much you’re willing to spend. While top-tier 3D printers can be quite expensive, it’s crucial to determine what your finances allow. Remember, a high-quality printer isn’t the only factor influencing the outcome of your prints. Spending excessive amounts may not always be necessary.

3. Quality and Precision: If you’re after the best possible print quality, investing in a top-notch 3D printer can make a significant difference. Precise details, smooth surfaces, and accurate dimensions can elevate your creations to a whole new level. Consider whether these aspects are indispensable in your printing projects.

4. Connectivity and Accessibility: Do you often find yourself on the move or prefer the convenience of a wireless connection? Some printers offer Wi-Fi capabilities and remote monitoring options, enabling you to control the printing process from afar. On the other hand, traditional USB connectivity may suffice if accessibility isn’t a priority.

5. Ease of Use: For beginners, a steep learning curve might pose a challenge. That’s where a smaller, semi-assembled kit, such as the Prusa Mini+, comes in handy. It offers a user-friendly experience while still providing room for growth and learning within the 3D printing realm.

6. Support and Community: When dealing with technology, having reliable support can be a game-changer. Look for brands with an established community that offers guidance, troubleshooting, and a platform for exchanging ideas. This assistance can be invaluable, especially when starting your 3D printing journey.

7. Additional Features: While it’s essential to invest in a reliable printer, it’s equally crucial to consider the additional features that come with it. From autocalibration and heated beds to multiple extruders for various materials, each feature adds value but also affects the overall cost. Prioritize which features are essential for your particular needs.

8. Material Compatibility: Different printers have varying material compatibility, so it’s crucial to decide which materials you plan on using. Filament printers offer a wide range of options, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and more. However, if you have specific material requirements, such as the need for resin printing, make sure to choose a printer that caters to such demands.

9. Print Size: Consider the maximum build volume and print size requirements for your projects. A smaller, compact printer might be sufficient for most users, but if you have ambitious ideas and larger-scale prints in mind, opting for a printer with a more generous build volume is advisable.

10. Future Upgrades: Your 3D printing journey is likely to evolve, along with your skills and ambitions. Considering whether a printer allows for upgrades and expansion is vital. This way, you can invest in a reliable foundation now while having the flexibility to grow and adapt your setup as needed later on.

Ultimately, deciding which 3D printer to invest in is a personal choice that depends on your needs, preferences, and financial situation. While the $459 Prusa Mini+ semi-assembled kit is recommended as an excellent beginner-friendly option, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and choose a printer that aligns with your ambitions and budget. Remember, a solid printer, combined with your creativity and dedication, will propel you towards breathtaking 3D printing adventures!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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