At Formnext 2023, the Hammer Pro40 Production Line is launched by Incus.


The Austrian 3D printer manufacturer, Incus, is set to revolutionize the world of manufacturing with its new Hammer Pro40 printing solution. This innovative system is specifically designed to upscale Lithography-based Metal Manufacturing (LMM) technology for mass production.

Dr. Gerald Mitteramskogler, CEO of Incus, explained that the Hammer Pro40 was strategically developed to meet the increasing demand for mass production using additive manufacturing (AM). The goal was to maintain the unique features of Incus’ technology while significantly improving speed, precision, and cost-effectiveness.

What sets the Hammer Pro40 apart is its versatility. It can create a wide range of products, from intricate medical gripping devices to patient-specific dental brackets, personalized jewelry pieces, electronic device prototypes, and even customized automotive knobs for luxury interior designs. Whether producing single prototypes or mass manufacturing, the Hammer Pro40 can handle it all.

Building on the success of the Hammer Lab35 printing system, the Hammer Pro40 enhances production capabilities while maintaining the same level of expertise and familiarity with the technology. By integrating two moving or scrolling projectors instead of one stationary projector, the Hammer Pro40 achieves a significantly larger build volume. In fact, it is six times larger than its predecessor, enabling mass production.

With a throughput of up to 700cm³/hour and a resolution with a pixel pitch of 40µm in the X/Y planes, the Hammer Pro40 offers optimized print economics while delivering intricate geometries and superior surface aesthetics. This combination is a game-changer for manufacturers looking to achieve high-quality results at scale.

The introduction of the Hammer Pro40 is set to take place at the upcoming Formnext 2023 show, where industry professionals can witness the capabilities of this groundbreaking technology firsthand.

To learn more about the Hammer Pro40 and Incus’ contribution to the world of additive manufacturing, be sure to read the full article at VoxelMatters. Share this exciting news with your colleagues and friends to spread the word about the future of mass manufacturing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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