Austrian Firm Revolutionizes Art Reproduction Through Additive Manufacturing: A Closer Look


Lito Masters, an Austrian printmaking company, is revolutionizing the way art reproduction is done with the use of Additive Manufacturing. Their innovative approach allows them to produce high-quality duplicates of well-known paintings, preserving even the smallest brushstroke and texture details. Working alongside museums, the company uses advanced laser scanning technology to capture paintings by acclaimed artists such as Van Gogh, Matisse, and Kandinsky. The resulting scans are incredibly detailed, making it possible to accurately recreate the paintings with 3D printing on canvas or paper.

These reproductions, which are nearly identical to the original works, provide an affordable opportunity for art lovers to own a piece of art history. Prices vary, with small paper pieces starting at 450 euros and larger canvases going up to 6,650 euros. Furthermore, the company limits the number of editions to between 150 and 999 for each artwork, and each one comes with a certificate of authenticity from the museum housing the original piece.

Lito, the parent company, is the sole license holder for the laser scanner used in this unique process. The high-resolution scans, which can take up to six hours per square meter, are not only utilized for reproducing artwork but are also employed for scientific research by the collaborating museums. This partnership also extends to the museum gift shops where these reproductions can be purchased, allowing visitors to take a piece of their museum experience home with them.

Lito Masters plans to expand its partnerships to include more museums and artists’ estates. They are also collaborating with contemporary artists to create new works using their technology. The company envisions their printed reproductions playing a role in future exhibitions, especially when loaning or transporting original works is impractical.

This approach may redefine art accessibility and preservation. As 3D printing and scanning tech evolves, it could become a standard method for creating and sharing art globally, offering new opportunities for education, preservation, and appreciation of cultural heritage.


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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