Calum Stewart discusses how SPEE3D’s metal 3D printing aims to support Ukraine’s war efforts in an interview.


Australian metal 3D printer manufacturer SPEE3D recently made a significant announcement. They revealed that they have supplied seven WarpSPEE3D 3D printers to Ukraine as part of a US Department of Defence (DoD) Ukraine Security Assistance initiative. These 3D printers, which incorporate SPEE3D’s proprietary cold-spray technology, have been deployed near the frontlines in Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia. The technology enables the rapid production of critical replacement parts.

In addition to the printers, SPEE3D provided a 15-day training program in Jasionka, Poland where Ukrainian soldiers and engineers were educated on how to fully utilize the WarpSPEE3D technology in the field. This move highlights the growing role of additive manufacturing for defense applications.

SPEE3D’s 3D printing technology is designed specifically for metal part fabrication. Unlike conventional metal 3D printers that use lasers to fuse powders, SPEE3D’s technology jets particles onto a substrate with high energy, fusing them on impact. This cold-spray technology harnesses kinetic energy and does not require special gases or lasers.

The defense industry has taken notice of this technology, with the Australian, British, and now Ukrainian militaries all using SPEE3D 3D printers. SPEE3D’s Director of Defense Programs, Calum Stewart, comes from a military background himself and has been instrumental in building the company’s defense brand.

SPEE3D not only provides 3D printers but also offers long-term support, including targeted training on how to best utilize the technology. Their customers buy into the company because they value the support and education provided by SPEE3D.

The decision to provide their technology and support to Ukraine was a significant one for SPEE3D. Stewart emphasized the personal motivation behind this project, having seen firsthand the toll the conflict has taken on the soldiers and their families. He believes that their involvement in Ukraine goes beyond just business, and they are truly making a difference.

The main objective for SPEE3D in Ukraine is to have more equipment in the fight, more of the time. While specific details about the parts being 3D printed in Ukraine using SPEE3D technology couldn’t be shared, Stewart confirmed that they are “parts of consequence” – parts that are crucial for the platforms to perform their intended functions.

Overall, SPEE3D’s partnership with Ukraine through the Ukraine Security Assistance initiative demonstrates the increasing importance of additive manufacturing in defense applications. By providing cutting-edge technology and support, SPEE3D is playing a vital role in helping Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia.

Revolutionizing Manufacturing in Ukraine: The Story of WarpSPEE3D

In a world where speed and efficiency are paramount, finding innovative solutions to manufacturing challenges has become increasingly important. Enter SPEE3D, a leader in metal 3D printing technology. Recently, they made waves by delivering seven WarpSPEE3D metal 3D printers to Ukraine, revolutionizing the country’s manufacturing capabilities.

What sets WarpSPEE3D apart is its patented cold-spray technology. With a maximum build size of ø 1000 x 700mm and a deposition rate of 100 g/min, this printer can produce industrial, high-strength components in a matter of hours. The key advantage of cold-spray technology is its ability to manufacture cast-strength metal parts quickly. Compared to traditional cast metal foundries that take hours, if not days, to produce parts, SPEE3D’s printers are in a league of their own.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Unlike traditional metal 3D printers, WarpSPEE3D uses a simple air-heat treatment for post-print processing. Aluminum, for example, can be heat-treated in just 45 minutes, reaching cast metal strength. Additionally, these printers are highly mobile, housed within standard shipping containers. This mobility, coupled with a quick setup time of 45 minutes, makes them ideal for active military environments. Laser-based 3D printers, on the other hand, are easily damaged and often require specific gaseous environments to function properly.

Delivering these WarpSPEE3D printers to Ukraine, however, posed significant logistical challenges. Each printer was made to order for this specific project, and the entire process, from signing the order to delivery, took a mere eight weeks. This feat required a heroic effort from the team at SPEE3D, who worked tirelessly to coordinate the manufacturing and shipping of printers, compressors, dust extractors, and metal powder from various locations worldwide.

Despite the challenges, the printers were successfully delivered to Ukraine, enabling the country to enhance its manufacturing capabilities. Stewart, a representative from SPEE3D, commended the team in Melbourne for their extraordinary dedication and hard work. He emphasized the tremendous effort put forth by the team in sourcing parts, building printers, and ensuring timely delivery.

In addition to the printers, SPEE3D also conducted a 15-day training course for Ukrainian soldiers and engineers in Jasionka. This comprehensive program aimed to transform these individuals into skilled manufacturers, changing their mindset from merely printing parts to solving problems through additive manufacturing. This training was far more than just 3D scanning and printing; it was an immersive experience that equipped the participants with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage this technology in a warfighting environment.

While there are no immediate plans to send additional printers to Ukraine, Stewart expressed willingness to respond if called upon to aid the country’s war effort. SPEE3D’s commitment to innovation and manufacturing excellence remains unwavering.

In conclusion, the delivery of WarpSPEE3D printers to Ukraine marks a significant milestone in the country’s manufacturing capabilities. SPEE3D’s cold-spray technology has revolutionized the speed and efficiency of producing metal parts, making it a game-changer in the manufacturing industry. With their dedication to exceptional quality and their unwavering support, SPEE3D is poised to continue making waves in the world of additive manufacturing.

Revolutionizing Military Training: How Additive Manufacturing is Transforming the Ukrainian Army

In a groundbreaking initiative, additive manufacturing company SPEE3D has partnered with the Ukrainian military to revolutionize their training program. Through the use of 3D printers and cutting-edge technology, the soldiers undergo a rigorous nine-stage engineering process that focuses on engineering theory. The entire program is filmed, allowing the soldiers to access their curriculum later on, thus preventing learning decay.

However, SPEE3D’s commitment to the soldiers doesn’t end with the completion of the training program. They continue to provide support, engineering assistance, technical maintenance support, and have even stationed a team in Poland to ensure proximity and efficiency in offering aid. The company has also provided the Ukrainian military with access to the necessary software, spare parts, and laptops.

This is not the first time SPEE3D has provided such training. They have successfully trained the Australian military and are scheduled to train both British and Japanese forces in January 2024.

Looking towards the future, SPEE3D CEO Stewart is confident that additive manufacturing will play a vital role in military applications. He believes that digitized and deployable manufacturing will enable continuous equipment production, enhancing the capabilities of soldiers. Stewart maintains that the printers should be placed strategically to maximize their impact.

What lies ahead for SPEE3D? Stewart revealed that the first two XSPEE3D 3D printers will be utilized in the UK. One has already been stationed at the Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC) in Coventry, while the second will soon be delivered to the British Army.

Stewart expressed his gratitude to key organizations that contributed to the project’s success. Specifically, he acknowledged NOBLE, Atlantic Contract, and Bryk Manufacturing for their invaluable support. NOBLE, the US government’s chosen supplier for the project, provided logistical assistance, while Atlantic Contract acted as on-site logistics experts. Bryk Manufacturing provided the training facilities in Jasionka, without which the project would not have been possible.

The impact of SPEE3D’s collaboration with the Ukrainian military extends far beyond the training program. It sets a precedent for innovative military training techniques and lays the foundation for future developments in additive manufacturing technology.

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