Creating 3D Printed Molds from Recyclable Construction Waste: A Promising Collaboration


voxeljet AG and Parastruct GmbH have successfully tested the 3D printing of recyclable residual materials from the construction industry. The project utilized voxeljet’s binder jetting 3D printing technology with Parastruct’s Ecomould material set.

Ecomould, comprising biogenic production residues and a mineral binder, demonstrated its potential in producing molded parts suitable for cold casting of concrete and ceramics. The technology aims to address excess material recycling in the construction industry, aligning with increasing corporate sustainability goals.

Parastruct’s approach integrates 3D printing to reintroduce unused mineral materials and biogenic resources into the value creation process, offering a sustainable solution for mold making. The market for excess material recycling is projected to grow, driven by legal obligations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies.

Beyond environmental advantages, firms that adopt Ecomould can benefit from substantial cost savings by removing the need for construction waste and wood disposal. This technology is in line with sustainability objectives, as it has a smaller CO² footprint in comparison to traditional sand-phenolic resin molds.

The versatility of Ecomould is also showcased in its ability to be shredded and reused as particle material in 3D printing. The use of a removable plastic coating further improves sustainability by minimizing the carbon footprint.

Voxeljet’s binder jetting 3D printing technology is perfect for handling Ecomould, as it provides flexible adaptation of printing parameters. The scalability of the results to larger 3D printers, currently up to 4 x 2 x 1 m, guarantees effortless integration into various manufacturing processes. The collaboration is actively seeking interested parties to help promote a greener construction industry, possibly through project funding.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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