Discover the groundbreaking Ultralight, a Single-Speed Bike that is 3D Printed, brought to you by CoreTechnologie.


The global bicycle industry has experienced a significant boom in recent years, with millions of bicycles being sold around the world. One company that has capitalized on this trend is CoreTechnologie, a software developer that has developed a superlight single-speed bicycle that can be made using a 3D printer.

The decision to utilize 3D printing in the production of the bike is based on CoreTechnologie’s desire to manufacture goods quickly, inexpensively, and without the complications associated with traditional manufacturing processes. The advantage of 3D printing lies in its ability to automate the manufacturing process and produce goods independently of outside supply chains.

CoreTechnologie, which was founded in the late 1990s, made a name for itself as a 3D CAD software developer, with its flagship product, 3D_Evolution. The company has since become a global player, with offices in France, Japan, and the USA, in addition to its headquarters near Frankfurt, Germany.

Through their bicycle project, CoreTechnologie has demonstrated the effectiveness of modern hardware and software that can handle the entire production process, from the initial digital design to the final additive manufacturing production process. The company was able to implement the idea for the 3D printed single-speed bike in record time, with the first prototype ready after just two months.

The bike is made up of component parts made from aluminum and carbon fiber tubes. The aluminum connecting parts were 3D printed in-house, while the carbon fiber tubes were produced by Carbonforce, a company specializing in carbon fiber products. To hold all the pieces together, a two-component adhesive commonly used in the aircraft industry was used.

The completed bike weighs only 7.1kg (15.6 lbs) and has undergone rigorous testing on different surfaces and in various conditions to ensure its quality. The design of the bike is based on a 56cm (22″) frame, which was optimized by CAD software and fine-tuned during 3D rendering. The in-house software, 4D_Additive, was also used to improve the wall thicknesses of the individual parts and create the final surface texture before printing using a selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printer.

The use of CAD design and 3D printing provided the designers with a great deal of freedom, allowing them to incorporate several features, including the potential for a gear shift upgrade in the future. Additionally, the manufacturing process was significantly simplified and completed in a short amount of time.

The carbon fiber frame of the bike can be manufactured quickly and automatically, thanks to its accurate technology-assisted design. It boasts optimal frame geometry, making it both visually appealing and sturdy. CT Managing Director Armin Brüning commented on the bike, stating, “In addition to the casual design and riding pleasure, CoreTechnologie’s super-light bike put an incredulous smile on the testers’ faces as soon as they picked it up”.

The successful development of CoreTechnologie’s 3D-printed single-speed bike highlights the potential of 3D technology in the production of modern consumer goods. This project serves as an example of how companies in various industries can leverage the benefits of additive manufacturing and innovation.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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