Dubai’s first 3D printing facility for aerospace advancements has been unveiled by Paradigm 3D.


Introducing Paradigm 3D’s Revolutionary 3D Printing Facility in Dubai

Dubai, known for its impressive skyline and technological advancements, has once again made waves in the additive manufacturing industry with the launch of Paradigm 3D’s state-of-the-art 3D printing facility. This facility, the first of its kind in the Middle East, is certified to produce aviation flight parts, adding a new dimension to the region’s manufacturing landscape.

With an initial investment of USD $3 million, Paradigm 3D’s facility boasts top-tier industrial 3D printers from Stratasys, the leading provider of additive manufacturing solutions. What sets this facility apart is its unique certification under the aerospace-specific EASA Part 21G regulation, granting it the exclusive rights to manufacture components for both private and commercial aircraft in the Middle East.

Spanning an impressive 10,750 square feet in the Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Paradigm 3D’s facility is set to produce 2,000 additively manufactured parts annually, with plans to expand to 20,000 parts within the next decade. The scope of production includes a wide range of aircraft interior components, including seating, electronic cooling ducts, micro vanes, and gaskets, among others.

This groundbreaking initiative is expected to have a significant impact on the aviation industry. By producing aviation flight parts locally, Paradigm 3D will dramatically reduce lead times for replacement parts, enhancing airlines’ operational efficiency. Additionally, this move towards local production will also have positive environmental implications, as it will minimize the transportation-related carbon footprint associated with importing parts from other regions.

Paradigm 3D has strategically partnered with The Design to Manufacturing Company for 3D printer installation and uptime support. This collaboration ensures seamless operations and continuous support for the facility’s cutting-edge technology. The company has also joined forces with AM Craft, a certified aerospace production firm, to attain local production approval and offer regional manufacturing capabilities.

While Paradigm 3D’s facility is undoubtedly a game-changer for the aviation industry in the UAE, its impact will extend far beyond the country’s borders. With plans for expansion into additional industry sectors in the future, this endeavor positions the UAE as a hub for digital manufacturing advancements in the wider region.

As Paradigm 3D takes this significant step towards innovation and reshapes the additive manufacturing landscape in the Middle East, we invite you to share your thoughts and insights on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay updated with the latest stories delivered straight to your inbox.

Dubai’s commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing technological advancements is on full display with the introduction of Paradigm 3D’s advanced 3D printing facility. The Middle East’s additive manufacturing landscape will undoubtedly benefit from this groundbreaking development, setting the stage for a new era of innovation and growth.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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