Elias Stahl, the Founder & CEO of HILOS, explores the world of 3D printed footwear in Episode 174 of the 3DPOD podcast.


Elias Stahl, the visionary behind the startup HILOS, firmly believes that his company has the power to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. With an initial focus on creating 3D-printed shoes, Stahl aims to combine this cutting-edge technology with skilled labor, additional machinery, and advanced knitting techniques to produce footwear that is not only innovative but also highly wearable.

What sets HILOS apart is its goal to become a sustainable manufacturing platform that can cater to various brands. The team at HILOS possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in manufacturing, coupled with their exceptional skills in 3D printing design. This combination positions them in a unique market niche, giving them a competitive advantage.

Stahl’s vision goes beyond shoes – he envisions expanding HILOS’ technology to encompass a wide range of products. By continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible with 3D printing and manufacturing, Stahl hopes to open up new opportunities and create lasting changes in the industry.

But how can HILOS achieve all of this? One way is by staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the 3D printing industry. By constantly seeking new information and staying informed, the team at HILOS can ensure they are at the forefront of their field.

In addition, partnering with third-party vendors can provide HILOS with valuable insights and opportunities. By subscribing to industry newsletters and receiving offers from vendors, HILOS can stay connected to the wider manufacturing community and gain access to potential collaborations and advancements.

Elias Stahl’s ambition to transform the manufacturing industry is rooted in his belief in the power of technology. By harnessing the potential of 3D printing, skilled labor, additional machinery, and advanced knitting techniques, HILOS is paving the way for a new era of sustainable manufacturing.

In conclusion, while the story and logic behind Elias Stahl’s belief in HILOS remain unchanged, this retelling emphasizes the importance of staying up-to-date with industry news and forging valuable connections with third-party vendors. By doing so, HILOS can genuinely transform the manufacturing industry and make a lasting impact on the market.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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