Explosive Growth: 3D Printing Industry Predicted to Hit $15.03B – Analysis of AMR’s Chart of the Week


The “Chart of the Week” from Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR) is a weekly segment which delves into the additive manufacturing landscape, showcasing pivitol statistics and trends. The most recent chart showcases AMR’s adapatibility in describing the industry, as the research firm has adapted its overall predictions after considering the financial statistics reported by firms in 2023.

AMR’s current forecast for Q3’23 displays a redefined perspective on market growth. The adjusted forecast, while being more cautious, still signifies positive market progression, with a healthy revenue forecast of $15.03 billion in 2023. This change in AMR’s predictions is not just a mirror of the market’s current status, but also a strategic reaction to various technical and economical factors that influence the industry. The smaller gap in the forecast between 2021 and 2023 hints at a careful analysis of near-term market conditions, incorporating the effect of the wider economic climate.

What is striking in AMR’s revised forecast is the extending separation from 2024 onwards, indicating a positive outlook on the industry’s long-term prospects. It is undeniable that the technology’s uptake will continue to increase in the future. The only unknown is by how much. Given that the U.S. Department of Defense is promoting nationwide usage of advanced manufacturing as a part of supply chain resilience initiatives, it is expected that the rest of the world will follow.

As a result of the recent economic downturn, AMR adjusted its overall predictions. The forecast from the previous year by AMR projected an incredibly optimistic future, predicting a market size of $52.11 billion by 2030. Now, the market research firm has revised this number to $47.18 billion by 2030.


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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