Farsoon Technologies, Hyperganic, and BASF Forward AM are spearheading lattice manufacturing advancements at Formnext 2023.


Farsoon Technologies, in collaboration with Hyperganic and BASF Forward AM, has introduced an innovative solution for creating lattice structures using additive manufacturing. This partnership aims to make the production of high-performance lattice structures more efficient and accessible to users. By leveraging Farsoon’s open-platform hardware, Hyperganic’s technology, and BASF Forward AM’s material proficiency, the collaboration has successfully characterized lattice structures constructed from Ultrasint TPU 88A on Farsoon hardware. This breakthrough eliminates the need for costly specialized tools, making lattice generation more accessible to a wider audience.

The Ultrasim 3D Lattice Engine, driven by Hyperganic’s software and enhanced by BASF Forward AM’s material expertise, lies at the heart of this partnership. The engine simplifies lattice design by integrating material and printing combinations, making it user-friendly. Farsoon’s contribution to this collaboration adds hardware capabilities, enhancing the overall solution.

In another development, researchers at City University of Hong Kong have devised a method to make 3D printed polymeric lattice components significantly stronger. This approach partially carbonizes the components, improving their robustness and maintaining twice the ductility compared to traditional heat treatments. It opens up possibilities for creating durable and versatile 3D prints, suitable for applications like coronary stents and bio-implants.

nTop, an engineering software developer, has unveiled its third-generation latticing technology for 3D printing applications. This release offers user-friendly lattice design tools and streamlines the process of creating and optimizing lattice designs for various applications, saving time and enabling design experiments for better optimization.

Rapid Product Manufacturing (RPM), a production service provider, has secured a research grant to develop complex 3D printed lattices for consumer goods. Using Carbon Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology and specific materials, RPM aims to create intricate elastic structures with potential applications in both industrial and consumer sectors.

As the 3D printing industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest news and trends. Subscribing to newsletters, following industry leaders on social media, and participating in events like the 3D Printing Industry Awards can provide valuable insights. The future of 3D printing holds immense potential, and addressing engineering challenges will be crucial to further advancements in the additive manufacturing sector in the coming decade.

Title: Embrace the Future: Your 3D Printing Career Awaits!

When it comes to revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, one technology has been making waves like never before – additive manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing. This groundbreaking technique has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing us to create objects with unprecedented complexity and design freedom. But did you know that this technological marvel is not only transforming industries, but also creating numerous job opportunities? Welcome to the world of 3D printing jobs.

In this blog post, we will delve into the exciting realm of additive manufacturing careers and explore the diverse range of roles available in this rapidly growing industry. So, if you’re ready to embark on a career that combines innovation, creativity, and a passion for cutting-edge technology, join us as we uncover the potential of 3D printing jobs.

Just envision the ability to turn digital designs into tangible objects, in a matter of hours or even minutes. From aerospace and automotive to healthcare and fashion, almost every industry can benefit from the extraordinary capabilities of additive manufacturing. This has created a demand for skilled professionals to drive the growth and development of this transformative technology.

Now, let’s take a glimpse into a world of possibilities, where 3D printers are no longer just tools but gateways to endless opportunities. Are you a design enthusiast who can transform abstract ideas into tangible prototypes? Then a career as a 3D printing designer might be perfect for you. With the ability to bring imagination to life, you will find yourself at the forefront of innovation, collaborating with clients and engineers to create cutting-edge products.

Perhaps you have a knack for troubleshooting and resolving technical challenges. In that case, a career as a 3D printing technician could be your calling. From operating and maintaining 3D printers to diagnosing and resolving printing issues, you will be the go-to person for ensuring smooth and efficient production processes.

Maybe you are more inclined towards research and development. As a 3D printing engineer, you’ll be tasked with pushing the boundaries of additive manufacturing, constantly exploring new materials, techniques, and applications. Your expertise will be instrumental in developing innovative solutions to real-world problems, paving the way for a future where 3D printing is commonplace.

But where can you find these exciting 3D printing jobs? Look no further than 3D Printing Jobs, a platform dedicated to connecting talented individuals with leading companies in the industry. With their expansive range of listed positions, you can browse through a variety of roles that suit your skills, qualifications, and interests. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in additive manufacturing, this platform offers opportunities for everyone.

The featured image showcases just a glimpse of the potential that additive manufacturing holds. The intricate lattice structures displayed, produced using Ultrasint TPU 88A on the Farsoon Plastic PBF system, demonstrate the level of complexity achievable with 3D printing. It’s a perfect embodiment of the limitless possibilities that await those who choose to embark on a career in the rapidly expanding additive manufacturing industry.

In conclusion, the additive manufacturing industry is not only revolutionizing the way we create and manufacture, but also opening up a plethora of career opportunities. From designers to technicians, engineers to researchers, the possibilities are endless. So, if you’re ready to be at the forefront of innovation and contribute to shaping the future, explore the world of 3D printing jobs and embrace the limitless potential of additive manufacturing.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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