FatesEnd GM Screen 2.0: New 3D Printed Screen Makes its Debut on Kickstarter


Tabletop game company FatesEnd has launched the GM Screen 2.0, a 3D printed game screen that is currently gathering support on Kickstarter. It has already exceeded its fundraising goal with $11,491 contributed by 416 backers. The game combines artistry, utility, and innovative design for the benefit of game masters and players.

The GM Screen 2.0 consists of a three-panel layout, with two dice towers that cater to both covert and visibly player rolls. A central 8×7 inch panel, surrounded by two 4×7 inch panels, provides more than just a visual barrier, enhancing the gameplay experience. Styles such as the Master’s Citadel and Delver’s Dungeon provide a suitable backdrop for a variety of gaming scenarios.

With its unique features, the GM Screen 2.0 includes a hex pegboard at the back which can function as an organizer and paint holder. The addition of components like shelves for miniatures, dice baskets, initiative trackers, a dragon magnet for notes, and shelves for Citadel Paint transforms it into a multifunctional gaming and painting station.

FatesEnd provides digital files in the format of .STL, which allows you to customize 3D printed screens at your convenience. Free-access STL files even remove the need for any supports during the printing process. Owing to their extensive testing, you can count on the quality of these files for an uninterrupted printing experience.

The campaign, including a specific Milestones section, offers hints on potential unlocks for those backing the Loot-All+. After the campaign, the production schedule would reveal the files and stretch goals as they get released.

For anyone interested in the GM Screen 2.0, you can visit and back it on the Kickstarter page here.

Source: tabletopgamingnews.com

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