Groundbreaking 3D Printed Hip Replacement Technique Developed by Scottish Researchers


Orthopedic specialists at NHS Golden Jubilee, in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, have led a groundbreaking study on the combination of 3D printing with hip and knee replacements, using the patients’ own biological cells. This research is centered on the inventive use of 3D bioprinting that includes patient stem cells and vital elements such as calcium to construct ‘scaffolds’, which are important for the restoration of bone defects. This study aims to tackle the obstacles patients encounter when they suffer severe bone loss due to illnesses such as arthritis, cancer, infection, or trauma.

The advanced application of 3D bioprinting, integrating patient stem cells and essential elements like calcium to form ‘scaffolds’ critical for the regeneration of bone defects, is what this research study examines. Gareth Turnbull, the main author and clinical research fellow at NHS Golden Jubilee, highlights the driving force behind the study – to address the difficulties faced by patients who experience significant bone loss as a result of conditions such as arthritis, cancer, infection, or trauma.

The crux of the approach is utilizing 3D printing technology together with biological constituents such as stem cells from the patient, to create living implants. These implants could potentially merge flawlessly with the body and recover natural functions once they are introduced into patients. This offers an innovative substitute compared to ordinary metal implants that may deteriorate and become loose over the years.

The research, an integral part of Mr. Turnbull’s Biomedical Engineering doctorate at the University of Strathclyde, reveals more advancements in the team’s use of robotics for joint replacements along with improved pathways for recovery after surgery.

“Patient-benefitting innovation always tops our agenda and this award is a testament to that,” Professor Jon Clarke, the orthopedic research leader at NHS Golden Jubilee mentioned.

“Joint replacements, similar to any mechanical gadgets, will wear out eventually, usually within the lifetime of the patient. Biological constructs give us the prospect of long-term survival that could potentially eliminate the need for additional operations.”

The academics highlight the patient-centric benefits of this approach, emphasizing the potential for biological implants containing the patient’s own cells to grow and become an integral part of their body. This not only avoids the shortcomings of artificial implants but represents a significant stride in long-term survival, potentially obviating the need for further operations.


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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