Groundbreaking Partnership Spearheads Innovation in Bone Implant Technology: A Look at 3D Printing Innovations


The organization known as Advanced Development of Additive Manufacturing (A.D.A.M.) has established a cooperative arrangement with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Through this partnership, both institutions aim to advance the progression of bone implant technology and general healthcare innovation. This collaboration merges the innovative 3D printing systems designed for personalized bone implants by A.D.A.M. with the profound expertise of the acclaimed Icahn Mount Sinai, recognized for its contributions in medical education and healthcare.

In terms of collaboration goals, the primary focus will be on research and development about 3D printing of bone tissues, leveraging the modern technology offered by A.D.A.M. The formation of the “Soft Tissues Working Group” will also be crucial, as it will undertake the task of exploring possibilities in soft tissue printing.

Overall, this partnership aims to enhance the standard of patient care by transforming the delivery of bone implants and promoting the development of soft tissue medical devices. It is a joint effort involving A.D.A.M. and Mount Sinai BioDesign, the medical device innovation incubator of Icahn Mount Sinai. The collaboration has been well-received by both parties, with Denys Gurak, the CEO and Founder of A.D.A.M., expressing optimism about the potential outcomes of this collaborative effort: “Our collaboration leverages our advanced medical device production system and Icahn Mount Sinai’s expertise to improve patient care in healthcare.”

This progressive collaboration reaches A.D.A.M.’s pilot operation at Masovian Regional Hospital in Siedlce, Poland. The association, which is founded in Mount Sinai Innovation Partners’ Elementa Labs incubator program’s 2022 Spring Cohort, represents a strategic cooperation between tech expertise and medical knowledge.

In essence, both A.D.A.M. and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai hold the potential to make considerable progress in health care, owing to their mutual endeavors in advancing bone implant technology and finding modern methods for soft tissue medical device production.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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