Groundbreaking Research: Achromatic Metalenses 3D Printed by Researchers


Significant advancements have been made by materials scientists, spearheaded by Cheng-Feng Pan, in achieving high numerical aperture, broadband, and polarization-insensitive multilayer achromatic metalenses (MAMs) through a groundbreaking 3D printing method. The difficulties in achieving a balance between numerical aperture and bandwidth limitations have always been a roadblock for flat optics, thus compromising their imaging performance.

The researchers utilized topology optimization and full wavelength simulations, resorting to two-photon lithography for the inverse design of the metalenses. The outcomes showcased excellent broadband imaging under various illuminations, demonstrating the potential for the development of multifunctional meta devices.

The breakthrough can be attributed to the application of nanoscale 3D printing, which helps in combating the fabrication obstacles that come along with multilayer achromatic metalenses. This technique facilitated the quick prototyping of intricate structures, encompassing complex microlenses and gradient index lenses. Topology optimization was key, as it efficiently enabled the creation of stable, multilayer, and high-resolution structures.

The revolutionary multilayer achromatic metalenses has showcased unmatched efficiency. These metalenses, by effectively eliminating chromatic aberrations, introduce a fresh paradigm for the design and fabrication of versatile broadband optical components. This breakthrough method paves the way for potential application areas, including light-field imaging, bioanalysis, medicine, and quantum technologies.

The future is promising as researchers expect that marrying higher resolution 3D printing techniques and high-refractive index resins will significantly enhance the system’s performance in the long run. This evolution could extend beyond the visible spectrum to the near or mid-infrared range, driving progress for a sophisticated, multifunctional optical system.

For those interested in gaining more in-depth insights, the complete paper titled “3D-printed multilayer structures for high–numerical aperture achromatic metalenses” can be accessed in the Science Advances journal, here.

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