Highlighting MouthPad’s Innovation: A Tongue-Operated Touchpad Unveiled at CES 2024


The product called MouthPad was introduced at the CES 2024 event in Las Vegas. The unique feature of this product is its ability to control laptops, tablets, and phones through a tongue-operated touchpad transforming the tongue into a working mouse.

MouthPad, cunningly named hinting towards “mousepad,” was launched as a discreet and creative product that can be placed on the roof of users’ mouth, functioning like a regular Bluetooth mouse. One of the co-founders, Tomás Vega, displayed the ability of the technology by easily navigating an iPhone and taking a selfie during the public presentation at CES.

The MouthPad’s design is similar to a retainer made out of dental-grade resin. It includes a touchpad, battery, and Bluetooth radio. The battery used in this device is procured from Varta, known for producing safe, medical implant-grade batteries. Even with the initial apprehension about the idea of placing a battery-operated device in the mouth, the implementation of well-established oral health industry technology brings a certain sense of safety and reliability.

Vega demonstrated the MouthPad during a live demonstration, showcasing its compact, 7.5-gram design on his palate. The 5mm thick touchpad smoothly responded as he navigated apps and menus on his iPhone.

Not only does this device comfortably sit in the user’s mouth, it also allows speech and offers up to five hours of use on a single charge. Future plans include extending the battery life to eight hours by March, with recharging only taking about an hour and a half.

Using Apple’s Assistive Touch feature for iOS navigation, the MouthPad offers further versatility by working as a Bluetooth mouse for other devices. This innovative product is available for early-access sign-ups and is custom created with individual 3D printing based on provided dental impressions. Early access participants receive dedicated assistance from the company throughout setup, calibration, and ongoing support.

The MouthPad stands distinguished in the realm of tongue-operated controllers with its sophisticated design and varied device compatibility. As we anticipate general availability later this year, real-world usage will ultimately validate the tongue’s potential for computer interactions.

Source: engadget.com

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