Honoring 3D Printing Day: Top 5 Must-Watch Videos


Happy 3D Printing Day! Initiated by GE in 2013, the third day of December is now a day to appreciate the advancements of the additive manufacturing industry. To honor this day, we’ve compiled some of our best 3Dnatives videos. It was a tough decision, but we’ve selected five videos showcasing different formats that offer latest updates from the 3D printing world! The list includes an episode from the 3D Explained series explaining various technologies, a 3Dinterview revealing how Hendrick Motorsports uses additive manufacturing, and a video about the role of additive manufacturing in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics. Additionally, we have a conversation with Sherri Monroe, Executive Director of AMGTA. We conclude with a video from ImplementAM, emphasizing the significance of training in the AM sector. Enjoy the videos and have a fantastic 3D Printing Day!

Top 1: 3D Printing with Polymers

We start with a video from our “3D Explained” series that delves into the broad world of polymers utilized in 3D printing. This is just the first of many episodes in which Elliot Saldukaite of 3Dnatives provides brief, yet informative videos discussing the basics of 3D printing. Haven’t seen the series yet? This is the perfect chance to learn more about the properties of standard polymer materials used in 3D printing and which might be suitable for your project. A must-watch short video for 3D printing enthusiasts and those who aspire to start experimenting with the technology. What better way to commemorate 3D Printing Day?

Top 2: #3Dinterview with Hendrick Motorsports

One of the realms where 3D printing greatly contributes is undoubtedly in racing. Let’s reference a video interview that car and 3D printing aficionados would enthuse over! Understand how 3D printing has evolved into an essential technology in the automotive sector, with alliances consistently stretching the limits to aid racers accomplish superior performance. Our chat with Hendrick Motorsports, the squad driving NASCAR’s Garage 56, brings to light the progressive deployment of 3D printing and its substantial influence on the involvement in the prestigious yet demanding, 24-hour race of Le Mans in France.

Top 3: 3D Printing at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Coming summer, the Olympic Games are due in Paris and 3Dnatives has evaluated the relevance of 3D printing in this sports extravaganza! Several organizations are increasingly associating with contemporary technologies such as additive manufacturing. AM is finding extensive uses, including in sports. In this video, one can observe unique applications of additive manufacturing in initiatives engineered for previous Olympics or the upcoming Olympics. It includes 3D printed ferry for the Seine River, bicycles, and 3D components for numerous other sports. Don’t hesitate to check it out!

Top 4: #Talk3D Interview With Sherri Monroe, Executive Director of AMGTA

This video in our Talk3D series was filmed by 3Dnatives with Sherri Monroe from the Additive Manufacturing Green Trade Association (AMGTA). She answered some questions about her view on the importance of 3D printing and how it has changed over the years. Additive manufacturing is playing an increasingly important role, as is the issue of sustainability, which many companies are also confronted with. The AMGTA has set itself the goal of promoting the environmental benefits of additive manufacturing over traditional production methods. It was founded in 2019, now has around 50 members and has been led by Sherri Monroe since June 2022. To mark 3D Printing Day today, we are revisiting this interview to highlight the benefits and positive impacts of 3D printing and the further potential of the industry.

Top 5: ImplementAM and The Importance of Training in Additive Manufacturing

To conclude, we bring you one of our most recent videos in which we discuss the importance of training in the AM industry with the young company ImplementAM. One of the biggest barriers to the adoption of additive manufacturing is precisely the lack of specialized training, but what can we do to solve this problem? ImplementAM has become known for its mission to spread 3D printing education in the United States with workshops that are both educational and informal at the same time. We spoke with Kristin Mulherin, co-founder of the company, and Stefan Jones, president of Elinik Systems, to learn more! We are excited to attend their upcoming workshops across the United States, and we hope they might expand to Europe someday as well!

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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Meet the mastermind behind NozzleNerds.com: GCode-Guru, a 3D printing wizard whose filament collection rivals their sock drawer. Here to demystify 3D tech with a mix of expert advice, epic fails, and espresso-fueled rants. If you've ever wondered how to print your way out of a paper bag (or into a new coffee cup), you're in the right place. Dive into the world of 3D printing with us—where the only thing more abundant than our prints is our sarcasm.


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