Immensa, a Saudi-based 3D printing service, plans to invest $6 million in AI-powered digital inventory.


Immensa, the AM service bureau based in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has announced a significant investment of more than $6 million into its newly launched software, DIS-RT. This AI-enabled software is specifically designed to streamline and digitize supply chains within the oil and gas industry. Immensa made headlines earlier this year when it became the first company to receive an AM license from KSA’s Ministry of Investments. In June, the company opened a $15 million facility in Dammam, establishing itself as the nation’s first privately-owned AM operation.

DIS-RT has already proven its effectiveness, analyzing over a million parts for multinational companies. It has identified thousands of components suitable for on-demand manufacturing in the Gulf region. Immensa’s CEO, Fahmi Al-Shawwa, expressed his enthusiasm for the software, stating, “DIS-RT helps energy companies leverage the power of additive and advanced manufacturing in their supply chains. We are enabling oil and gas companies to build modern, future-proof supply chains that can help them operate large-scale infrastructure portfolios more effectively and reliably, particularly during these challenging times for global trade and traditional manufacturing output. Immensa is dedicated to expanding and enhancing its services, and our enhanced software provides the complete digital asset lifecycle, from assessment to ordering and production, all within one platform.”

One notable aspect of Immensa’s DIS-RT software is its potential for reducing carbon emissions. The company conducted a study that suggests incorporating AM into spare parts supply chains could lower emissions by 3.62% in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While the oil and gas sector has historically been at odds with efforts to decarbonize, there has been a recent shift in attitude. Stakeholders in the oil and gas industry, both public and private, are increasingly acknowledging the need for diversification in their energy portfolios. However, they also argue that significant investments in fossil fuels are still necessary for the success of the energy transition. This argument is not only driven by self-interest but also rooted in reality. The transition away from hydrocarbons will not be painless, and approaching it methodically is essential to minimize the fallout.

AI-driven supply chain management could be the key to finding a balance between the oil and gas industry and clean energy. By decarbonizing and automating supply chains, the oil and gas sector can become valuable partners to the renewable energy industry. While it may not be the dramatic transformation everyone is hoping for, this approach offers a harmonious transition that is both practical and effective.

Immensa’s DIS-RT software represents a significant step forward in digitizing supply chains within the oil and gas industry. With its focus on carbon emission reduction and the potential for a smoother energy transition, it could pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient future.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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