In 2023, the airworthiness and certification of additive manufacturing (AM) parts for defense and aerospace applications will be ensured.


Unleashing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing in India

In a recent International Conference on 3D printing in India, Dr. Das emphasized the necessity of qualifications and certifications to drive the growth and adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) in the country. The development of new materials and technological processes demands rigorous testing, simulation, and validation to ensure their performance under extreme conditions. Echoing Dr. Das’s sentiments, Dr. Shirish .S. Kale, Director of the Centre for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC) at Defense R&D Organization (DRDO), emphasized the vital role of certifications and qualifications in fostering a secure and innovative future for the aerospace and defense industry.

CEMILAC, headquartered in India, has been at the forefront of driving additive manufacturing in the country. With facilities in Hyderabad and Bangalore, CEMILAC has successfully certified over 100 metal alloys, polymers, and composite products for military projects, establishing an ecosystem for AM materials. The Military Airworthiness Certification Framework document, unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2021, outlines the design, development, production, and certification of military air systems and airborne stores.

Under the guidance of Dr. Kale, CEMILAC has made significant strides in the field of additive manufacturing. Collaborating with the engineering force, CEMILAC produced and certified the first 3D printed non-critical part in 2019, which is now deployed in a military aircraft. In 2020, the organization extended this procedure to include the certification of 3D printed components, marking a significant step forward in the development of non-critical components without compromising on quality. The materials used in the process have undergone rigorous certification through material selection provided by CEMILAC.

Furthermore, CEMILAC has established a comprehensive qualification test framework for certifying 3D printed components, encompassing machine and material qualification processes, post-processing, and part qualification. To support these advancements, CEMILAC entered into a memorandum of understanding with ASTM International in December 2022.

CEMILAC is actively bridging the gap between academia and industry to advance 3D printing. Through collaborations with prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITs), CEMILAC leverages their research capabilities, while industry partners benefit from the advanced facilities and certification support provided by CEMILAC. This symbiotic relationship fosters reciprocal learning and strengthens ties between academia and industry.

Dr. Kale highlighted the importance of standardizing processes and materials to propel India’s “Make in India” initiative onto the global stage. While India possesses abundant knowledge resources in research and development organizations and Centers of Excellence (CoEs), there is a need to bridge the gap between this reservoir of knowledge and the industrial sector for seamless integration.

Expanding on the roadmap for enhancing the Indian AM sector, Dr. T. Ram Prabhu, Joint Director of the Regional Centre of Military Airworthiness (RCMA) at CEMILAC – DRDO Laboratory, emphasized the significance of the powder reuse strategy. This strategy covers aspects such as allowable powder reuse, methodology, property variations, and certification criteria, which need to be reinforced through collaboration between industry experts and academia.

In conclusion, the efforts undertaken by CEMILAC and DRDO in advancing additive manufacturing in India are commendable. By emphasizing qualifications and certifications, fostering collaboration between academia and industry, and standardizing processes and materials, India is on its way to a secure and innovative future in the field of additive manufacturing.

Exploring Innovative Strategies in the 3D Printing Industry

The rapid advancement of technology has paved the way for numerous groundbreaking developments in various industries. One sector that has experienced significant growth and innovation is the additive manufacturing (AM) industry, particularly in the field of 3D printing. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform various sectors, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and more. In a recent interview, Dr. T. Ram Prabhu shed light on some exciting strategies and advancements that are driving the future of 3D printing.

One of the key challenges in the 3D printing industry is material reuse. Contamination, moisture, particle size distribution, and storage conditions can significantly impact the quality and reliability of printed parts. Dr. Prabhu emphasized the importance of addressing these issues through strategic material reuse. By focusing on certifying and qualifying the reusable materials, productivity can be enhanced, and material waste can be minimized, contributing to a more sustainable manufacturing process.

To expedite the printing process, Dr. Prabhu suggested the use of multiple high-powered lasers. This approach, if implemented safely and with adherence to reliability standards, can significantly reduce the time required for printing complex parts. Furthermore, harnessing machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) can optimize the entire printing process by comprehensively understanding process parameters and utilizing real-time sensor data to detect anomalies. Surface roughness, microstructures, and other critical factors can be addressed effectively through this approach.

Another exciting development highlighted by Dr. Prabhu is the utilization of generative design software. This software enables the creation of innovative designs tailored specifically for additive manufacturing, offering a range of advantages such as weight reduction and enhanced performance. This technology holds immense potential in various industries, allowing for the production of complex and optimized geometries that were previously impossible to achieve using traditional manufacturing methods.

Lattice structures also emerged as a focus area for the additive manufacturing sector. Dr. Prabhu emphasized the tremendous potential of these structures for various applications, including enhancing properties such as damping capacity, crashworthiness, stiffness, and thermal conductivity. Additionally, these lattice structures are inherently lightweight, making them ideal for industries such as aerospace where weight reduction is crucial.

In conclusion, the future of 3D printing holds immense possibilities and exciting advancements. From strategic material reuse to the use of high-powered lasers, AI, generative design software, and lattice structures, the industry is constantly pushing boundaries to achieve new levels of efficiency and innovation. As we move forward, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest developments and trends in the 3D printing industry. By subscribing to newsletters, following industry leaders on social media platforms, and exploring job opportunities in the additive manufacturing sector, we can actively participate in shaping the future of this innovative industry.

As we eagerly await the 2023 3D Printing Industry Awards and ponder the challenges that lie ahead, it is certain that additive manufacturing will continue to revolutionize various sectors in the coming decade. Let us embrace the opportunities offered by this transformative technology and actively contribute to its growth and development.

*Note: This blog post is a rewrite of the original text, while preserving the story and logic.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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