Innovative 3D Printed Spout Converts Air into Potable Water – A Feature on


Reuben Vollmer’s initial attempt to create water from air in 2014, using 3D printed components, was less than successful. This early experiment, prompted by a drought affecting his parents’ farm, involved an improvised assembly of spirals, tinfoil, and a solar-powered fan. Fast forward to the present, and Vollmer, alongside business partner Tyler Breton, has developed the Spout atmospheric water generator. This device, compact enough to fit on a countertop, has achieved significant commercial success, garnering $1 million in preorder sales.

The Spout operates by extracting moisture from the air, filtering it twice, and storing it in a UV-protected pitcher, thus producing 2.5 gallons of pure drinking water daily. This innovation, which consumes a few hundred watts of electricity, represents a new approach to water generation and could potentially revolutionize access to clean water. Vollmer’s analogy of water pipes to electrical wires and water bottles to batteries underscores his vision of a future where water accessibility mirrors that of solar energy.

An additional environmental benefit of the Spout is its potential to mitigate global warming by reducing water vapor, a major greenhouse gas. The device could pave the way for “water-neutral” homes and farms, which produce as much water as they consume. Moreover, it provides a solution for ensuring clean water supply in regions plagued by drought.

Comparative tests with popular water filters like Brita in Venice, California, have shown the Spout’s superiority in water purity. The Spout scored 98 out of 99 on the Simple Lab Healthy Water scale, significantly outperforming the Brita filter. The technology, which once seemed like science fiction, is set to be commercially available next year, marking a significant step in water generation and purification technology.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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