Introducing Custom 3D Printed Teeth for Digital Dentures by Formlabs


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Formlabs keeps adding materials to its 3D printing ecosystem and now it can 3D print teeth for dentures.

Somerville, Massachusetts Formlabs revealed the new capabilities at CES 2024, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas.

The innovations include a Resin Pumping System and two new materials—Polypropylene Powder and Premium Teeth Resin. These new ways to 3D print goods could be game changers for industries from dentistry to industrial manufacturing, the company said.

Formlabs, with more than 130,000 printers sold globally, has firmly established itself as a frontrunner in the 3D printing sphere. The implementation of the Resin Pumping System and the debut of new materials are impactful steps in enhancing the proficiency, flexibility, and expandability of Formlabs’ 3D printing solutions.

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Formlabs’ Chief Product Officer, Dávid Lakatos, has expressed that the production of 3D printing is continuously on the rise. The company has launched the Resin Pumping System, Polypropylene Powder, and Premium Teeth Resin, which are crucial tools to assist professionals in bringing their innovative ideas into reality.

The Resin Pumping System was created as an enhancement for the Form 3 and Form 3L printers. It aims to make production processes more efficient by supporting unattended printing, drastically lowering resin expenses, and reducing waste. It accomplishes this by supplying five liters of resin directly to the printer’s resin tank, encouraging uninterrupted printing for longer durations.

The Resin Pumping System is compatible with select materials contained in five-liter containers and offers an initial discount of at least 10% when compared to one-liter cartridges. The Resin Pumping System, presently available for purchase, is priced at $199.

Another new addition is the Polypropylene Powder, which is expected to boost the SLS portfolio. This material makes it possible to print objects commonly made from polypropylene, such as household appliances, electronic devices, sports equipment, and prototypes. This offers a cost-effective solution when used in conjunction with the Fuse 1+ 30W 3D printers. Formlabs now hosts 45 materials that are utilized internally for product design and prototyping, helping to alleviate supply chain hurdles. These materials are suitable for creating spare parts, rapid tooling, and other applications.

Formlabs has introduced the Premium Teeth Resin, a material registered with the FDA, designed to transform the realm of dental 3D printing. The nano-ceramic filled composition of this material allows for the 3D printing of denture teeth and temporary full-arch implant-supported restorations. This advances lifelike aesthetics, durability, and streamlined workflows.

Eric Weinhoffer, a senior hardware development specialist at Skydio, stated, “Our team is consistently 3D printing with Form 3+ printers, giving us a significant advantage in hardware development. The Resin Pumping System has been beneficial as I no longer have to monitor the one-liter cartridge, which once ran out and caused us to place a rushed, last-minute order. Now, with the Resin Pumping System and the five-liter container, the mental strain has been reduced and our printers are always maintained.”

Registered with the FDA as a Class II biocompatible material, Premium Teeth Resin offers nano-ceramic filled longevity that has been verified and assures ideal clinical performance. This is balanced against natural-looking aesthetics. It can be tailored to the anatomy of every patient, replicating natural teeth’s translucency and opalescence for customization of digital dentures and short-term implant-supported restorations.

Premium Teeth Resin also offers industry-leading aesthetics, ideal in-mouth mechanical properties, accuracy, and a simplified work process to present affordable yet personalized dental care that covers a variety of patient needs. Premium Teeth is currently available.

“I have been thoroughly impressed with Formlabs Premium Teeth Resin. The material not only has the strength we need for denture teeth and All-on-X appliances, but it also polishes with minimal effort to reveal a natural, lifelike translucency,” said Christopher Baer, dentist at Baer Dental, in a statement.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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