Introducing the Palm-sized TinyMaker, an Open-Source Resin 3D Printer.


In a world dominated by large-format 3D printers, there’s one brand that wants to break the mold and go in the opposite direction. TinyMaker, the manufacturer behind one of the smallest resin 3D printers on the market, has created a machine that fits in the palm of your hand. The goal? To bring the benefits of 3D printing to as many people as possible. But the question remains, what exactly can this tiny machine be used for, and can the manufacturer deliver on its promises?

Priced at around 110 euros, the TinyMaker is touted as an innovation in the 3D printing world. However, it seems that the manufacturer has fallen behind schedule with deliveries. This raises some concerns about whether this small resin 3D printer is truly a game-changer, or just another passing trend.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a 3D printer of surprising size. Remember Pluto and My N Mi, machines that were no bigger than a match? These kinds of solutions always catch us off guard, as the market is accustomed to larger machines with high speeds and proven repeatability. But for TinyMaker, it’s all about making 3D printing more accessible and convenient. It took two years and several prototypes to perfect the design and functionality of the TinyMaker.

Measuring a mere 100 x 115 x 155 mm and weighing only 600 grams, the TinyMaker is incredibly compact. It consumes very little power and can be connected to an external battery for operation. The printing plate is limited in size but has a layer thickness between 0.05 and 0.1 mm. Additionally, the TinyMaker is open-source, allowing users to make modifications and improvements. The technology behind this little printer is MSLA, which stands for Masked Stereo-Lithography Apparatuses. It uses an LCD screen to mask the UV light source. The brand has also developed post-processing solutions that are as compact as the machine itself, including a cleaning solution and a heat treatment machine.

The concept behind TinyMaker is quite interesting, as it shows that 3D technology can be accessible and open to a broader audience. However, there are reservations about the quality and volume of the 3D printed parts. Considering the price point of less than 150 euros, it’s important not to expect too much. The biggest concern lies in the delivery of the machines, as the Kickstarter campaign was launched months ago and now redirects to the Indiegogo campaign, which is still ongoing. This raises questions about the seriousness of the campaign and whether TinyMaker is still raising funds despite surpassing its initial goal.

The buzz surrounding TinyMaker is worth sharing because it highlights the potential for 3D technology to be more accessible to everyone. However, it’s essential to approach crowdfunding projects with caution, as they aren’t always guaranteed to deliver on their promises. Ultimately, whether TinyMaker lives up to its potential remains to be seen. To learn more about this tiny 3D printer, check out the manufacturer’s campaign. And don’t forget to share your thoughts on TinyMaker in the comments below or on our social media pages.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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