IperionX has caught the attention of the US Federal Bank EXIM due to their Titanium 3D Printing Powder.


Titanium, a metal known for its strength and corrosion resistance, has historically had complex and environmentally harmful supply chains. But one American company is looking to change that. IperionX is on a mission to create high-performance, sustainable, and affordable titanium products.

To achieve this goal, IperionX is preparing to launch a facility in Virginia dedicated to producing spherical titanium metal powder, which is essential for advanced 3D printing applications. What sets IperionX apart is its innovative approach to titanium production. And now, the company has secured a provisional agreement for $11.5 million in funding from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM).

EXIM is the official export credit agency of the U.S. federal government, and its support is crucial for companies like IperionX. If the deal goes through, IperionX will have seven years to repay the loan. This funding will be used to develop IperionX’s Titanium Production Facility in Halifax County, Virginia, specifically for key production assets such as industrial furnaces and comminution equipment.

But the support from EXIM doesn’t stop there. IperionX has also been informed that its proposed facility may qualify for equipment finance under EXIM’s “China and Transformational Exports Program” and the “Make More in America Initiative.” These initiatives aim to counter China’s dominance in strategic sectors and promote export-oriented domestic projects.

IperionX’s Co-Founder and CEO, Anastasios (Taso) Arima, expressed his satisfaction with the interest shown by EXIM, stating that this funding will help the company re-shore a lower-cost and more sustainable titanium supply chain that is critical for both the manufacturing of advanced goods and America’s national security.

Since its inception in 2020, IperionX has set out to disrupt the titanium industry, which heavily relies on imports from countries like China and Russia. Diversifying the supply chain is essential, especially in industries like defense and consumer electronics, as geopolitical tensions and sustainability concerns continue to rise.

Traditional titanium production processes generate a significant amount of waste and carbon emissions, making it unsustainable. But IperionX aims to change that. The company is focused on building a low-cost and sustainable metal production system within the U.S., using patented technologies that employ titanium scrap as a raw material. This allows IperionX to produce 100% recycled titanium products—a feat that has never been achieved before.

Additionally, IperionX prides itself on achieving zero scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions, significantly reducing its carbon footprint. By directly connecting its titanium metal production to the titanium minerals from the Titan Project, IperionX is able to offer its products at a much lower cost. The Titan Project is approved for phase 1 development and operations and boasts one of the largest titanium mineral resources in the U.S., along with valuable co-products like rare earth minerals and zircon.

IperionX’s CEO, Taso Arima, celebrated the company’s progress in building a low-cost, low-carbon, and infinitely recyclable titanium supply chain, stating that they were initially concerned about the regulatory hurdles they would face. However, with the necessary regulatory pieces in place, IperionX is well on its way to revolutionizing the titanium industry and making sustainable production a reality.

Title: IperionX: Revolutionizing the Titanium Industry with Transparency and Sustainability


In a world where technological advancements are constantly pushing boundaries, innovation is key to staying ahead. IperionX, a leading company in the titanium industry, has not only embraced innovation but has done so with a focus on transparency and sustainability. Their remarkable progress in a short span of three years at the Titan Project is a testament to their exceptional team and forward-thinking approach.

Exploring New Avenues with Titanium:

Traditionally, titanium has found its applications in forms like plates, bars, and rods. But IperionX has pushed the boundaries further by excelling in high-performance components, particularly in advanced 3D printing. Their production of spherical titanium metal powder is crucial as it serves as a fundamental input for numerous 3D printers. Moreover, IperionX’s commitment to quality goes beyond merely supplying materials; their technologies enable the creation of top-quality products for their customers.

Forging Strategic Partnerships:

IperionX understands the importance of collaboration in advancing the industry. With strategic partnerships such as the one with GKN Aerospace, they have conducted extensive testing on titanium PM components, demonstrating their potential in this field. Additionally, their collaboration with Aperam Recycling aims to establish a 100% recycled titanium supply chain, showcasing their dedication to sustainable production.

Scaling Production and Future Projections:

With their operational pilot facility in Utah, IperionX has ambitious plans to expand their production capacity. The upcoming Virginia facility is a concrete example of their commitment to growth, with initial projections indicating a production of 125 tonnes of titanium per year by 2024, which is expected to skyrocket to 1,125 tonnes annually by 2025.

Competitive Pricing for Sustainable Growth:

IperionX aims to make titanium more accessible and affordable for various industries. Their competitive pricing strategy initially targets $72 per kilo, with plans to further reduce it to $42 per kilo. This will undoubtedly attract more clients, as evidenced by their partnership with Ford to supply titanium automotive components. Their efforts position them as pioneers in the titanium industry’s sustainable future.


IperionX’s remarkable journey in revolutionizing the titanium industry showcases that with the right team, transparency, and commitment to sustainability, even the most ambitious goals can be achieved. Their dedication to innovation, strategic partnerships, and scaling production is driving the industry forward. By placing themselves at the forefront of the titanium industry’s sustainable future, IperionX is setting an example for others to follow. Stay updated with the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive valuable information and offers from third-party vendors by following their journey closely.

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