Join Agile & 6K Additive’s webinar for a thorough exploration of 3D Aerospace Technology and its potential future.


changing the way we view space exploration. With a partnership between 6K Additive and Agile Space Industries, the possibilities for aerospace engineering and sustainable manufacturing are endless.

On November 16, at 2 PM ET, the webinar “Getting to the Moon with Additive Manufacturing” will take place, showcasing the collaboration between these two industry leaders. Agile, known for its cutting-edge propulsion systems, is set to power a lunar lander vehicle with its A2200 engines. These engines boast an impressive specific impulse of over 318 seconds and utilize a pintle sleeve throttling mechanism for precise control during lunar missions.

However, the success of the A2200 engines relies heavily on the right materials, and that’s where 6K Additive comes in. Their Ni625 powder, made from Inconel, has been rigorously tested and approved for space use. It can withstand the intense heat and stress of space, ensuring the engine runs smoothly and reliably.

What makes this collaboration truly groundbreaking is the impact of modern additive manufacturing (AM) on space technology. By utilizing AM technologies such as Trumpf’s TruPrint 5000 machine, Agile has reduced the production cycle of aerospace components from years to just 12 months. This rapid iteration and qualification process, combined with the robust Ni625 powder from 6K Additive, guarantees high-quality and durable engine parts.

The upcoming webinar will delve into the interplay between cutting-edge technology and environmental sustainability in space exploration. The discussion panel will feature Agile’s Chief Engineer Charlie Garcia, Senior AM Engineer Dustin Crouse, and 6K Additive’s Chief Commercial Officer Nick Pflugh. Attendees will gain insight into the complexities of the A2200 engine program, the pivotal role of the Ni625 material, and how AM methods are speeding up the development process.

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. 6K Additive has recently acquired Global Metal Powders (GMP), further enhancing its capacity for environmentally conscious production. This move aligns with the company’s commitment to the circular economy and sustainable manufacturing practices.

As we look towards the future of aerospace manufacturing, this partnership between 6K Additive and Agile Space Industries sets a new standard. It showcases the power of collaboration, additive manufacturing, and environmental responsibility. The upcoming webinar is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the advancements and possibilities of space exploration.

***Unleashing the Power of Advanced Aerospace Engineering: A Futuristic Webinar***

Imagine a world where technological advancements are not just limited to science fiction movies, but are a reality. A world where the aerospace industry is at the forefront of innovation, paving the way for a future beyond our wildest dreams. It is in this realm of possibilities that Agile and 6K Additive come together to host a groundbreaking webinar, offering a platform for sharing knowledge and starting conversations around recent advancements.

On November 16, this webinar will shed light on the remarkable capabilities of the A2200 engine and the pivotal role played by materials such as Ni625 powder. With a comprehensive understanding of these recent technological developments, participants will gain insights into the future of high-performance aerospace engineering. But it doesn’t stop there.

This webinar goes beyond technical discussions and delves into the broader trends in manufacturing. The spotlight will be on 6K Additive’s latest strategic acquisition, a reflection of the changing landscape of aerospace production. By exploring these trends, participants will grasp the dynamics and transformations taking place in the industry, paving the way for responsible manufacturing practices.

So why should you be a part of this conversation? The answer is simple. The aerospace sector is on the brink of a paradigm shift, and by joining the experts at Agile and 6K Additive, you become an active participant in driving this change forward. You have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation, share your insights, and shape the future of aerospace engineering.

Reserve your spot today and be a part of this transformative event. Stay up-to-date on all the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive information and offers from third-party vendors, ensuring you never miss out on the latest advancements. The future is here, and it’s time to embrace it.

***Let’s take off into a new era of aerospace engineering together.***

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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