Kazakhstan Welcomes its First Industrial Metal 3D Printer: A 3DPrinting.com Report


Kazakhstan’s educational and manufacturing landscapes are witnessing a sea change with the arrival of the HBD 350, the first industrial metal 3D printer in Kazakhstan. The new machine is located at the University of Arizona’s microcampus at Kozybayev University. This step, a collaboration between California-based company Top 3D Shop and the university, marks a significant leap in research and development capabilities, potentially transforming various industry sectors.

HBD 350 – A New LPBF for KZ

Utilizing laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology, the HBD 350 crafts detailed metal parts with exceptional precision. Boasting dual 500W fiber lasers, the printer can handle large components made from diverse metals like aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium. Its efficiency and large build volume cater to a broad spectrum of industries, from aerospace to healthcare, driving innovation in product development and manufacturing processes.

The HBD-350 is perceived as the flagship product of its manufacturer, acclaimed for its exceptional efficiency, vast build volume, and incredible precision,” mentioned Egor Driagin, the co-founder of Top 3D Shop.

“Take for instance when we 3D printed multiple funnels employing molybdenum-based powders and rigorously examined them utilizing a metrology 3D scanner. This experiment’s results illustrate that the 3D printed mockup deviated by a mere 10-50 microns from the original 3D model, which is indeed an excellent result pertinent to the university’s applications.”

A noteworthy accomplishment for the 3D printer involves the redesigning of a nuclear reactor heat exchanger. This new design is substantially compact and lighter, thereby significantly reducing manufacture costs and boosting energy efficiency.

Top 3D Shop

Top 3D Shop is a global additive manufacturing value-added reseller and systems integrator that has successfully supplied additive manufacturing, 3D scanning and automation solutions to various sectors, including education, aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and dentistry. They played a vital role in supplying the printer to the university and also provided extensive training and support to ensure the proficiency of the technology by the university. This collaboration between Top 3D Shop, HBD engineers, and the university sets a stepping stone for future endeavours in advancing additive manufacturing education and propelling the development of the local manufacturing industry.

Educational Impact

The implementation of the HBD 350 at Kozybayev University brings multiple benefits to education, ranging from practical learning to inspiring innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. The printer gives the students an opportunity to progress from abstract concepts to practical experiences, enhancing their comprehension and skills. It also facilitates experimentation with intricate designs and materials, nourishing creativity and problem-solving skills that are crucial for future engineers and designers.

Jawbone printed on the HBD 350. (Image Credit: Kozybayev University)

Familiarity with advanced technologies like LPBF 3D printing equips students for modern industry demands, providing them with an advantage in the job market. The adoption of this technology raises the academic profile of Kozybayev University on a global scale, enhancing the appeal of its graduates in the international job market.

“Top 3D Shop contributed their knowledge in uniting academic pursuits and commercial interests to effectively expand the application of these advanced technologies in the domestic manufacturing sector,” expressed Savinkin Vitaly Vladimirovich, the Head of the Department of Transport and Mechanical Engineering at Kozybayev University.

“Our goal is to work together in organizing platforms for further dialogue and education, such as additive manufacturing conferences and symposiums, encouraging international research collaborations, and the exchange of practical experience through international work programs.”

The arrival of the printer at the university is expected to deliver significant benefits to local manufacturing firms in Kazakhstan. Using the university’s industry connections, local enterprises can now utilize advanced 3D printing technology, making state-of-the-art manufacturing more accessible and economical.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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