Meltio’s Robot Cell is revolutionizing Industrial 3D Printing by streamlining the process.


Meltio just announced an exciting new product that aims to simplify the usage of their DED 3D printing technology. The innovative Meltio Robot Cell is designed to streamline the path to production for metal 3D printing in industrial settings. Before we dive into the details, let’s refresh our memories on what Meltio’s product is all about.

Meltio offers a powerful metal print head that is typically integrated into a robotic arm. This print head utilizes powerful lasers to instantly melt standard wire, which is then deposited by the print head as it moves to create a 3D structure. One of the main advantages of Meltio’s approach is that they integrate their toolhead with existing robotic systems at manufacturers’ facilities. By doing so, they significantly reduce the cost of entry to metal additive manufacturing for many customers, as they can make use of their existing robots.

Now, it seems that Meltio wants to further simplify the adoption process of their technology by providing a comprehensive solution called the “robot cell”. Essentially, the cell includes everything needed for metal 3D printing, except for the robot itself. Meltio has even gone a step further by certifying their cell with popular ABB robotic systems that are already widely used in customer factories.

The Meltio Robot Cell not only provides a safe enclosure for the printing process but also includes a print plate and a defined work volume. This means that customers only need to supply power, gas supply, and a robot, as everything else is already pre-configured and ready to go. This system should greatly reduce any installation difficulties that customers may have encountered in the past.

Thanks to the design of the cell, Meltio has essentially eliminated the need for customers to figure out how to set up a system on their own. With the robot cell, customers can simply install the robot and start printing. Considering the level of convenience and time-saving that this all-in-one solution offers, the price tag of approximately US$300,000 seems like a good deal. This cost likely offsets a significant amount of customer labor and could make a strong business case for many customers.

In conclusion, Meltio’s introduction of the Meltio Robot Cell is a significant development that aims to make metal additive manufacturing much more accessible to industrial customers. By providing a comprehensive solution that includes everything needed for metal 3D printing, Meltio has reduced the barriers to entry for many customers. This is an exciting step forward in the world of additive manufacturing and will likely pave the way for more widespread adoption of this technology.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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