Mosaic Manufacturing introduces the groundbreaking Array / Element System.


Mosaic Manufacturing has finally released their highly anticipated Array / Element system. We previously discussed this system and have even had the chance to see it in person. This innovative combination of 3D printers and automation is all packed into a sleek package.

The heart of the system is the Element, a high temperature 3D printer capable of printing a wide range of engineering materials. From common PLA and ABS, to PC, CF, and even high temperature materials like PEEK and PEKK. The Element is also capable of multimaterial 3D printing. The Element is known for its “manufacturing quality”, thanks to its strong metal components. It includes a number of convenient features typically found on advanced 3D printers, such as networking, in-chamber camera, and removable flexible build plates. Its generous 355 x 355 x 355 mm build volume is another noteworthy feature.

While the Element is an impressive 3D printer on its own, the Array system is the real game-changer. The Array is a large enclosure that can house up to four Elements simultaneously, and it offers a significant amount of automation. One example is the filament management system. Operators can easily insert “material pods” into the Array, and they are automatically detected. When a spool runs out of filament, the Array can seamlessly switch to another spool without interruption. This makes the Array a true production 3D printing system. The material pods also include desiccant to keep the material dry, and the Array has automated humidity control. The Array allows each Element to access up to eight different filaments during print jobs, providing a powerful multi-material capability.

In addition to its hardware, the Array comes with software to manage the four printers and dispatch work intelligently. There’s also “Canvas EDU”, which is a student portal that allows for easy job submission to the system. This feature makes the Array a no-brainer for advanced educational institutions, as it enables students to quickly print complex 3D models in various engineering materials. Once a job is completed, a robotic system within the Array removes the print plate for storage and inserts a fresh plate from the inventory. Operators can then retrieve the prints from the plates and return the plates to the inventory for future jobs. If needed, the Array’s storage unit can be rolled out for separate processing.

Overall, the Array / Element system maximizes print throughput while minimizing operator intervention, making it a cost-effective and efficient option. The company has recently shipped the first customer units of the Array to selected North American buyers, and next month they will be shipping the Element and Element HT 3D printers for use with the Array. The price of a 4-printer Array system is $79,999, which is a great deal considering the labor savings it provides.

In conclusion, Mosaic Manufacturing has delivered a groundbreaking 3D printing system that combines innovative technology and automation. The Array / Element system is set to revolutionize production 3D printing, and we can’t wait to see the impact it will have on various industries.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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