Open Bionics’ 3D Printed Fingers Adopted for the First Time: Commercial Launch on the Horizon


Open Bionics, a robotics company based in the UK, has shared the news that their 3D printed finger device has been used for the first time by a hand amputee in London. The link is Open Bionics.

Using Open Bionics’ 3D scanning and additive manufacturing technology, a new 3D printed prosthesis, the Hero Gauntlet, was created for Suleman Chohan, a 50-year-old Londoner.

The Gauntlet is personalized to the specific needs of the user, allowing people with congenital and acquired partial hand limb differences to recover hand functionality. The Hero Gauntlet’s finger movements can be easily controlled by flexing the wrist.

Chohan, who had his hand partially amputated 30 years ago due to an industrial accident, said that previous prostheses did not provide the functionality of real fingers. Chohan described his experience, stating that following his amputation, options were limited. The NHS center provided him with a dummy latex hand that was heavy and functionless, causing Chohan to refrain from using it.

Since receiving his 3D printed Hero Gauntlet, Chohan has regained the ability to perform a range of two-handed activities. These include using his phone, mountain biking, food preparation, shopping, and VR gaming. 

A pool of people, including Chohan, have been testing the 3D printed device for over a year, with the Open Bionics team assessing how certain features perform in everyday life. 

People with a partial hand amputation can now sign up to the Hero Gauntlet waiting list on the Open Bionics website, with the full commercial launch of the final product said to be “coming soon.” 

Regaining hand functionality with 3D printed fingers

The development of the Hero Gauntlet commenced last year, and the device was co-designed and evaluated by numerous partial hand amputees. This partnership led Open Bionics to improve the extent of hand motion and functionality for users.

“The product was designed in collaboration with the users through lab testing, weekly logs, and clinic visits,” shared Hellie Mutter, a mechanical engineer at Open Bionics. “We were thrilled to learn how our users easily grasped the functioning mechanism, allowing even the early prototypes to reveal new possibilities to our users.”

“It’s been particularly rewarding to hear how the appearance of the device has boosted some of our test users’ confidence about their limb difference,” Mutter further added. Chohan is one such user whose confidence has been uplifted by their functional 3D printed fingers, enabling them to carry out several essential daily tasks.

“Before, I could only carry shopping bags in my left hand, limiting my capacity. But now, thanks to the prosthetic, I can carry multiple bags,” Chohan expressed. “By securing the digits, I gain the ability to navigate my phone and send text messages. In the past, without the prosthetic aid, I have ended up damaging my phone numerous times.”

With the assistance of the 3D printed hand prosthesis, Chohan has been able to reignite his passion for VR gaming as it enables him to operate two controllers concurrently.

“I am an enthusiast for VR gaming. However, it was difficult for me to manage both controllers. This inconvenience led me to the point where I would use sellotape to attach the controller to my amputation, albeit strangely and with minimal efficacy,” Chihan admitted. “Thanks to the prosthetic, I can now fully immerse myself in the VR experience and grip both controllers, which is incredibly satisfying,” Suleman voiced.

The Hero Gauntlet is the latest addition to the expanding range of 3D printed prostheses by Open Bionics. The company contributed to the first-ever global clinical trial of 3D printed bionic hands back in 2017. In 2019, they raised $5.9 million in Series A funding, enabling the expansion of their product distribution globally. Their product lineup includes their primary product, the Open Bionics Hero Arm.

The Hero Gauntlet has helped Suleman Chohan easily perform everyday tasks, such as shopping. Photo via Open Bionics.

3D printing optimizes prosthesis development

The use of 3D printing is growing in the development and production of prosthetic devices.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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