Photogrammetry software suitable for users of all skill levels.


When it comes to 3D printing, having a 3D model is crucial. There are various ways to obtain these models, including CAD software, scanning, and photogrammetry. Photogrammetry has been gaining popularity in recent years, as it allows users to capture reliable data from real-world objects using photographic images.

Photogrammetry software, similar to 3D scanning, enables users to record, measure, and interpret photographic images to create accurate 3D models. It is widely used by professionals such as surveyors, architects, and engineers to create topographic maps, meshes, and drawings based on the real world. What’s great about photogrammetry is that it is accessible and affordable, as it can even be done with a smartphone camera.

In this blog post, we will introduce some of the most well-known photogrammetry software available today. Let’s dive in!

Pixpro, developed by Pixpro UAB, is a user-friendly photogrammetry software that allows users to create maps and 3D models using photos from any drone or camera. It is suitable for both professionals and beginners, thanks to its simple user interface and familiar layer-based system. Pixpro offers cloud processing, ensuring consistent results on any Windows PC or laptop. Some of its main features include instant 2D and 3D measurements, optimized ground control point workflows for accurate mapping of large areas, and the ability to export generated or drawn layers. The software also offers built-in post-processing tools to streamline 3D models for compatibility with other software. Pixpro provides individual training sessions and offers advice through a Discord server. For more information, you can visit their website.

Another popular photogrammetry software is ReCap Pro, developed by Autodesk. This software allows users to convert photographs into 3D models or 2D drawings. Designed for surveying, planning, construction, and renovation projects, ReCap Pro generates point clouds or meshes that can be used with other software or CAD tools. The 2023 version of ReCap Pro includes several improvements and updates, such as import and indexing of raw scans, automatic terrain classification, and enhanced rendering quality. Autodesk offers various paid subscription options for ReCap Pro.

3DF Zephyr, developed by 3DFlow, is a professional photogrammetry software that automatically reconstructs 3D objects using any sensor, drone, or laser scanner device. This software allows experienced users to optimize the result by making extensive alterations. Users can export the model in various file formats and combine photogrammetry data with laser scans for more precision. Working with the model in other CAD programs is also facilitated with 3DF Zephyr. While a free version is available, it has limitations on the number of images for a 3D reconstruction. There are also paid versions with different features.

RealityCapture, created by CapturingReality, is another photogrammetry software that works with a wide variety of input media. This software enables users to create virtual reality scenes, textured 3D meshes, orthographic projections, and geo-referenced maps from images. It also allows users to work with laser scans. The user interface of RealityCapture is clean, modern, and intuitive for first-time users. CapturingReality offers four different plans for its software.

In conclusion, photogrammetry software is an essential tool in 3D printing as it allows users to capture real-world objects and create accurate 3D models. Pixpro, ReCap Pro, 3DF Zephyr, and RealityCapture are some of the most well-known photogrammetry software available today. Each software offers unique features and pricing options to suit different user needs. Whether you are a professional or a beginner, there is a photogrammetry software that can help you create stunning 3D models for your 3D printing projects!

various applications. It is a complete end-to-end solution that can generate accurate and detailed 3D models and maps from aerial imagery.

One of the standout features of Bentley’s ContextCapture is its ability to create 3D models from ordinary photographs. This means that users don’t need any specialized equipment or training to start capturing and modeling their projects. All they need is a smartphone camera and they can begin documenting their infrastructure projects. The software also allows for the addition of laser scans to enhance the precision and detail of the models. This is particularly useful for projects that require sharp edges and geometrical accuracy.

Another great advantage of ContextCapture is its versatility in terms of scale. Whether it’s a small object or an entire city, the software can handle it all. The accuracy of the 3D model is only limited by the resolution of the image used, meaning that users can achieve highly accurate representations of their projects.

Moving on to Agisoft Metashape, this professional photogrammetry software offers a wide range of features for processing digital images. It is commonly used in applications such as Geographic Information Systems, cultural heritage documentation, visual effects, and production. One of its notable features is the ability to edit 4D models, allowing for the recording and editing of entire scenes in 3D. Agisoft Metashape offers two editions, a professional one and a standard option, catering to different needs and budgets.

For those looking for a free and open-source option, Meshroom by AliceVision is a great choice. It uses photographs to create textured 3D models and is continuously developed by a community of contributors. This software is part of the AliceVision photogrammetric computer vision framework and provides a cost-effective solution for 3D reconstruction.

Colmap is another versatile software that specializes in Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) reconstruction. It offers a wide range of features and can handle both ordered and unordered image collections. The software operates under the new BSD license and requires users to cite the original authors when implementing specific algorithms.

DroneDeploy is a solution specifically designed for building aerial maps and models from images captured with DJI drones. It offers an easy-to-use mapping software suitable for beginners and advanced users. With autonomous flight features and in-field data analysis, users can quickly generate detailed 2D maps, 3D models, and even 360 panoramas. The software also provides different pricing models to cater to individual and team needs.

Mic Mac is a free and open-source photogrammetry software that has been in development since 2003. Initially created for IGN’s cartographic production, it has evolved to serve broader communities with the introduction of a simplified command line interface. Mic Mac is available on various platforms and is suitable for beginners, experienced users, and experts alike.

Lastly, Open Drone Map is an open-source software that processes drone-captured images into 3D geographic data. By leveraging the power of drones, users can convert imagery into detailed and accurate models for various applications.

Whether you’re a casual user or a business professional, there are various photogrammetry software options available to suit your needs. From Bentley’s ContextCapture to open-source solutions like Meshroom and Mic Mac, these software options offer powerful tools for generating accurate 3D models and maps. Consider your specific requirements and budget when choosing the right software for your project.

Check out this blog post where we talk about different photogrammetry software options available in the market. These software solutions are designed to help convert photos into 3D models, making it easier to analyze and measure various data. Let’s dive into the details!

First, we have Open DroneMap, a software that offers features like point clouds, digital surface models, and textured models. It is built on Ubuntu 16.04 but can also be used on other platforms with Docker. With Open DroneMap, you can create products like 3D meshes, orthophotos, and point clouds.

Next is PhotoModeler, another popular photogrammetry software. It recently released updates that included over 100 improvements, primarily focusing on marine work, forensics, and accident reconstruction. The software now has new shortcut keys and user-friendly surface drawing capabilities, making it easier to edit and adjust points without leaving the surface drawing mode. PhotoModeler is available in standard and premium versions.

Moving on, we have Regard3D, a free and open-source software solution. It is known as a “structure-from-motion” program, which means it can convert photos taken from different angles into a 3D model. Regard3D can be run on Windows, OS X, and Linux, and provides powerful third-party tools and libraries for advanced usage.

WebODM is also worth mentioning, as it is designed to be user-friendly and produce elevation models, textured models, geo-referenced maps, and point clouds using aerial images from drones. It is part of the OpenDroneMap ecosystem, which offers a range of solutions for collecting, processing, analyzing, and displaying aerial data. With WebODM, you can process data offline on your computer after downloading the software.

Pix4D is an established photogrammetry software editor that offers a range of solutions based on user needs. One of its offerings is PIX4Dmapper, which caters to professionals using drones or cameras. It allows users to integrate various types of images, measure surfaces, volumes, distances, and more. Pix4D also provides other tools like PIX4Dmatic, specifically designed for land mapping.

Lastly, we have Trimble Inpho, a trusted software solution for digital photogrammetry. With over 30 years of experience, Trimble Geospatial offers accurate point clouds, surface models, orthophoto mosaics, and digitized 3D features. Trimble Inpho is known for its reliability, making it a top choice for many professionals.

These are just a few of the photogrammetry software options available in the market. It’s essential to explore and choose the one that fits your specific requirements. Let us know what you think of our listing in the comments below or on our social media pages. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest 3D printing news.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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