Phrozen Introduces New Arco FDM Machine and Revo 12K Resin Printer – A Fresh Update from


Previously recognized for its illustrious resin printers, Phrozen is now branching out into the FDM platform with the Arco. This device boasts an incredible 300x300x300 mm³ printing volume and an astounding maximum speed of 600mm/s. With the Arco, Phrozen plans to revolutionize extrusion-focused printing by fusing size and speed for flawless workflow incorporation.

Phrozen Arco

Coming with a Chroma Kit, the Arco provides multi-filament print functionally, enabling users to effortlessly produce vibrant and colorful models. Now gearing up for a Kickstarter inauguration, Phrozen aims to establish a new consumer-grade 3D printing benchmark.

The Arco’s specifications position it at the top of its category. Its remarkable build volume accommodates large-scale prints without compromising quality, all made possible by its quick acceleration and peak print velocity. Equipped with Klipper firmware and being compatible with future enhancements, the Arco commits to constant upgrades through OTA updates.

Phrozen Arco, coming soon. (Image Credit: Phrozen)

Precision engineering ensures smooth filament flow, crucial for high-speed printing. Dual extruder gears and a patented direct extrusion path enhance performance, enabling flawless prints with various materials. The Chroma Kit enhances versatility, supporting up to 16-color prints through automatic filament swapping.

Arco Chroma Kit. (Image Credit: Phrozen)

The robust outer structure minimizes vibrations, ensuring superior print quality. Each Arco comes with a Pentashield enclosure for noise reduction and temperature control. With PIXUP slicing software and a dedicated model library, Phrozen fosters a vibrant community, distinguishing 3D printing as a unique manufacturing medium.

For more details on the Arco, refer to the Phrozen website.

Sonic Mighty Revo

If you’re assuming that the company is moving away from the resin printers that brought them to prominence, you are mistaken. Alongside their new FDM machine, the company has also launched a unique 14k resin printer.

The Sonic Mighty Revo is a 14K resin printer. It has a 10.1-inch Mono LCD screen and boasts a spacious print volume of 223 x 126 x 235 mm. With an XY resolution of 16.8 x 24.8 µm, it can print an impressive average of 70 layers per hour and can reach a peak speed of 450 layers per hour.

Mighty Revo, available for pre order right now. (Image Credit: Phrozen)

Equipped with auto-leveling, residue detection, and failure detection systems, along with a built-in heater and exhaust vent for temperature maintenance and air ventilation, the Sonic Mighty Revo is built to provide reliable and efficient printing.

For air purification, it utilizes a USB-powered air purifier, while an internal camera facilitates remote monitoring via the PhrozenGO app. Notable features include a built-in interior light, cooling fan, dual linear rails, and a full metal exterior. Control is streamlined through a five-inch touchscreen interface, with connectivity options including USB and Wi-Fi.

While sharing similarities in size, volume, and speed with its predecessors, the Sonic Mighty 8K and Sonic Mighty 12K, the Sonic Mighty Revo distinguishes itself through enhanced features and performance.

Preorders for the Revo are now open on Phrozen’s official platform until the 21st of February, with a price point of $1,000 ($1,050 and €1,034 for Global and EU stores) respectively. This provides enthusiasts the opportunity to gain access to the stable 12k resin printing tech.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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