Projecting Over 20 Billion Aerospace Parts 3D Printed by 2030 – AMR’s Highlight of the Week


The “Chart of the Week” from Additive Manufacturing Research (“AMR”, formally SmarTech Analysis) is a weekly feature that provides our readers with a deep dive into the additive manufacturing (AM) landscape. It is a showcase for pivotal statistics and trends that have been derived from extensive AMR research. In our latest chart, we can see a clear growth trend in the production of 3D printed aerospace components from 2014 to 2030.

Nonmetal production parts have been the cornerstone of the additive manufacturing revolution in aerospace. There is a forecasted increase from 181,168 parts in 2014 to an immense 11,839,620 by 2030. Despite the substantial growth, it isn’t entirely surprising considering the materials that have expanded the applications of 3D printing in aerospace. These materials have become staple elements in the production line.

The most notable of these is PEKK-related thermoplastics, which originated from a single 3D printing company, Stratasys, as a unique AM material. Now, it is offered by a plethora of next-generation material extrusion firms, including Roboze, Intamsys, and 3DXTECH, among others. PEKK 3D printed parts offer cost reductions and faster production times due to their impressive strength, durability, and resistance to heat and chemicals, which is crucial in the highly competitive aerospace industry.

However, as the sector continues to grow, the metal production parts show an even more dramatic surge. Parts started at 17,766 in 2014, and the forecast suggests a steep rise to 8,796,518 by 2030. This significant increase is due to advancements in metal 3D printing technologies, which are becoming increasingly adept at producing durable components with high-tensile strength that meet the strict safety standards of the aerospace sector.

The combined production of metal and nonmetal additive parts are estimated to reach an impressive 20,636,138 by the end of the forecast period. Aerospace manufacturing is undergoing a significant shift, moving from traditional subtractive methods towards digital designs and additive processes.

In the beginning, adoption of AM was heavily driven by the speed and cost comparisons between traditional and additive production. However, a more crucial shift is happening in the sector – the focus on supply chain resilience. Recent global events like the COVID-19 pandemic and military conflicts have highlighted the vulnerabilities of the supply chain. In response, national governments and global corporations are swiftly moving towards reshoring and digitization. This is outlined in the latest AMR report, “Additive Manufacturing for Military and Defense: Market Analysis and Forecast.”

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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