Prologue of Computational Engineering Fundamentals.


in our physical environment, the current engineering process simply cannot keep up. This has led me to a new concept that I believe can revolutionize the way we engineer physical objects – Computational Engineering.

I’ve always been fascinated by the power of information technology and how it has transformed our world. From the advancements in computing to the digital revolution in Hollywood, the impact has been astounding. However, when we look at the progress in our physical environment, it pales in comparison. Objects and systems that have been around for decades, even centuries, have remained largely unchanged.

Think about it – you wouldn’t use a computer from 40 years ago, but you wouldn’t think twice about driving a car from the 1980s. This stark contrast between the rapid advancement of information technology and the lack of progress in our physical world is concerning.

One of the main reasons for this lack of progress is our outdated engineering paradigm. The current process is manual, cumbersome, and laborious. Engineers are required to visually sketch every aspect of a blueprint, which can take countless hours. There is very little re-use of existing work, as even the smallest changes can break the design. So instead of modifying something that already works, engineers are often discouraged from making any changes at all.

This slow and inefficient process hinders innovation and prolongs the time it takes to bring new physical products to market. And this is a problem because we are facing urgent challenges that need immediate solutions. The UN Sustainable Development Goals, for example, require complex engineering solutions that cannot afford to wait years or even decades to be developed.

That’s where Computational Engineering comes in. By leveraging the power of computation and simulation, we can accelerate the engineering process and create a more efficient and effective way to design and develop physical objects. Computational Engineering allows for rapid iteration and testing, reducing the time and effort required to bring ideas to life.

Imagine a world where engineers can make significant changes to objects without starting from scratch. Where existing designs can be easily modified and adapted to meet new requirements. This is the future that Computational Engineering can bring.

But in order to make this future a reality, we need to change our mindset. We need to embrace the idea that technology can and should be used to enhance our physical world. We need to recognize that the current engineering paradigm is holding us back and actively seek out new approaches.

The time for change is now. We cannot afford to continue burdening future generations with unsolved challenges in our physical environment. We need to harness the power of computation and revolutionize the way we engineer physical things. Computational Engineering is the key, and I am determined to make it a reality.

Join me on this journey to reshape the way we engineer, and together we can create a future where physical objects are not just stagnant relics of the past, but dynamic and adaptable solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, but very few people stop to ask how we can actually speed up the progress of inventing new solutions. Moving engineering under Moore’s Law is the key to addressing this crisis of invention. As someone who has spent the past decade immersed in this topic, I firmly believe that this is the path we need to take, and I am more convinced than ever that it can be done.

I have spoken extensively about this subject, with talks, podcasts, and articles available online, including a TED talk I gave in 2018. In fact, I founded my own company, Hyperganic, with the goal of laying the foundation for this new approach to engineering. However, I quickly realized that this shift is too big for one company to handle alone. That is why, in October of last year, I had to relinquish control of Hyperganic and let it steer its own course.

To ensure a broader discussion and involve a larger audience, I will now share the insights I have gained from my extensive involvement with this subject. Over the years, I have received valuable feedback and witnessed tangible results that have only further reinforced my conviction in this paradigm shift. For me, it is no longer a question of “if” this new approach will take over, but rather “when”. However, as Peter Thiel astutely pointed out, progress requires initiative. Unless we push hard, change will not happen automatically.

In a series of articles, I will delve into a process that I conceived almost a decade ago and that my co-founder, Michael Gallo, implemented at Hyperganic. I will explain the underlying theoretical foundation and why it has the potential to revolutionize engineering in the 21st century. This new paradigm is known as Computational Engineering.

In the initial articles, I will outline the key principles that led to the development of this technological foundation, provide examples of how it works in practice, and highlight how it can form the basis for a larger movement towards Computational Engineering. Subsequently, I will be joined by Josefine, a subject matter expert in building Computational Engineering Models (CEMs). These algorithmic systems have the ability to create intricate parts, structures, and even entire machines. Josefine recently created a remarkable computational model of an Aerospike rocket engine using Hyperganic Core. The engine was then printed in copper using an AMCM M4K industrial 3D printer. With Computational Engineering, objects such as this will become commonplace in the years to come.

If you are curious to understand the full potential of this exciting field, I urge you to read an article I wrote in March that delves deeper into the possibilities. The next decade promises to be one of great innovation and advancement, and I am thrilled to be a part of it. Together, we can push for change and usher in a new era of engineering.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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