Ric Fulop’s vision of AM 2.0 continues to thrive.


In the aftermath of the failed merger between Stratasys and Desktop Metal, the latter company remains confident in its ability to achieve mass production and profitability on its own. While there has been much discussion about the merger agreement and its implications, Desktop Metal has remained surprisingly quiet. However, the company’s Co-founder and CEO, Ric Fulop, recently spoke about the potential consequences of the merger not going through.

Contrary to popular belief, Desktop Metal has been quietly working to cut costs and expand the adoption of its technologies. The company’s management believes that its systems and materials for 3D printing are some of the most market-ready in the industry. Fulop is confident that Desktop Metal will achieve profitability by next year, with a healthy amount of cash reserves. He also believes that the company’s additive mass production capabilities can be extended to various industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, dental, and consumer products.

Given the company’s optimistic outlook, many have questioned why Desktop Metal pursued the merger with Stratasys in the first place. Fulop explains that the merger could have expedited the company’s growth and positioned it as a one-billion-dollar company. He praises Stratasys’ management team and their ability to turn the company around. By merging with Stratasys, Desktop Metal hoped to bridge the gap between prototyping and mass production. The company already has a strong presence in industries such as automotive and dentistry, with its technology being used by other major players like Carbon.

While the merger with Stratasys presented opportunities for growth, a merger with 3D Systems would have focused on cost reduction through synergies in the commercialization of similar technologies. Fulop suggests that the 3D Systems deal represented a more conservative approach, while the Desktop Metal deal could have potentially yielded higher returns.

In summary, despite the failed merger, Desktop Metal remains optimistic about its future prospects. The company’s management is focused on cutting costs and expanding the adoption of its technologies. While the merger with Stratasys presented potential growth opportunities, a merger with 3D Systems would have taken a more conservative approach. Regardless, Desktop Metal remains confident in its ability to achieve mass production and profitability independently.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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