ROBOTOR, the Robotic Sculptor of Marble Statues, is ready to meet.


3D technologies have completely changed the game in various fields, including 3D scanning, 3D modeling, and automation. The impact of these technologies can be seen in both subtractive and additive production methods, revolutionizing the way things are created. One remarkable example of this revolution is the story of Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini, the founders of two companies: ROBOTOR and TorArt.

Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini have combined robotics with 3D scanning to create a unique experience in the world of art and culture, specifically in the realm of sculpture. Their creation, an anthropomorphic robot, is capable of reproducing intricate and detailed sculptures in a short amount of time, with unprecedented accuracy. The robot has successfully recreated some of the greatest sculptures in history such as Amore e Psiche, Canova’s Tersicore, the Arch of Palmyra, and the Parthenon bas-reliefs. These priceless works of art are often inaccessible or stored away in major museums around the world. However, thanks to Massari and Tincolini’s innovative technology, these masterpieces can now be enjoyed by a wider audience.

To delve deeper into their work and the collaboration between their two companies, we interviewed the team behind ROBOTOR and TorArt. ROBOTOR specializes in integrating multi-axis industrial robots for stone milling, a cutting-edge solution for automated production processes. In 2004, Massari and Tincolini established the TorArt laboratory within the Carrara marble quarries. Today, TorArt utilizes ROBOTOR’s robots to recreate the works of artists and designers from all over the globe. Renowned names such as Jeff Koons, Barry x Ball, Francesco Vezzoli, Vanessa Beecroft, Giuseppe Penone, Zaha Hadid, and Maurizio Cattelan have sought the services of TorArt. Not only artists, but major museums and corporations have also relied on them to reproduce historical artworks, garnering media attention worldwide.

The goal of these two companies is twofold: to maintain and reinforce TorArt’s position as a global benchmark for sculpture, and to increase awareness of ROBOTOR as the company specializing in “robots for sculpture, born by sculptors.” Their aim is to streamline the sculpture-making process, reduce lead times, boost productivity and quality, all without requiring special skills. This is made possible through the use of ROBOTOR’s self-programming software called OR-OS. OR-OS is CNC milling software developed in-house. With its user-friendly interfaces, even individuals without programming expertise can operate the robot and perform complex tasks. OR-OS takes a 3D file of the desired model and automatically converts it into toolpaths, eliminating the need for manual intervention. The software also selects the appropriate machining techniques based on desired timing and quality, ensuring optimal results.

The robot itself is equipped with a custom-designed base that holds all the necessary tools. It is built to endure the harsh conditions typically associated with stone processing. The arm and head of the robot are manufactured by partner technology companies. Real-time monitoring of the milling process is made possible by sensors on the machine, enabling continuous 24-hour processing. This level of control over processing time and cost is crucial for achieving precision.

One remarkable project of TorArt and ROBOTOR involved the reproduction of Tersicore, a white Carrara marble sculpture created by Canova in 1811, currently housed in the Magnani Rocca Foundation. TorArt used 3D scanning to capture the original statue, and OR-OS software automatically generated the program required for ROBOTOR to recreate the sculpture from stone. The life-sized reproduction of Tersicore (182cm high) was loaned to the Isidoro Falchi Civic Archaeological Museum in Vetulonia as part of the “In Dance Time. In harmony, grace, and beauty” exhibition.

In summary, the collaboration between ROBOTOR and TorArt showcases the incredible potential of 3D technologies in the world of sculpture. The integration of robotics and 3D scanning has made it possible to reproduce intricate and historically significant sculptures efficiently and accurately. The vision of Massari and Tincolini is to make art more accessible and enjoyable by simplifying the work of sculptors and bringing masterpieces out of the confines of museums. With the use of their self-programming software and industrial robots, they have successfully achieved their mission. The future undoubtedly holds more groundbreaking innovations in this field, as technology continues to reshape classical art forms.

ROBOTOR: Revolutionizing Art Replicas with Technology

Art has always been a means of expressing human creativity and preserving our cultural heritage. However, in recent years, technology has begun to play a significant role in the creation and preservation of art. One company at the forefront of this movement is TorArt, a leading provider of robotic and 3D technologies for the replication of masterpieces.

TorArt’s innovative approach to art replication challenges traditional methods and breathes new life into the concept of replicas. By utilizing robotic and 3D technologies, TorArt is able to create accurate and detailed reproductions of famous sculptures, architecture, and designs. What sets TorArt apart is their commitment to maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of each replica. Unlike other methods, TorArt does not impose any hand finishing on their replicas, ensuring that there is no confusion between the copy and the original.

The process begins with a creative ideation phase, where the artwork to be replicated is conceptualized. This can be a sculpture, an architectural structure, or a design. From here, a sketch is created, either directly as a 3D file or as a traditional clay sketch that is later scanned to obtain the 3D file. This is where the magic happens – instead of relying on skilled artisans, TorArt’s robots take over, meticulously following each step of the process. This means zero fatigue, increased accuracy, and 24-hour operation, allowing operators to focus on other tasks.

The significance of TorArt’s work lies in the replication of great works of the past. In 2016, a scale reproduction of two-thirds of the Monumental Arch of Palmyra, a Syrian monument destroyed by ISIS in 2015, circulated globally, serving as a symbol of rebirth after the war. By using images of the arch taken before its destruction, TorArt was able to create a 3D model for their robots to produce a flawless replica. The success of this project was overwhelming.

Another notable project by TorArt was the replication of the Greek statue of Persephone Gaia of Tarentine, exhibited at the Altes Museum in Berlin. TorArt’s technology enabled them to recreate this masterpiece, now on display at the National Archaeological Museum in Taranto. The speed and precision with which TorArt’s robots sculpted a marble replica of Canova’s ‘Amore e Psciche’ in just over 10 days, a work that originally took the master of neoclassicism five years to complete, is truly impressive.

TorArt’s commitment goes beyond replicating works of art; they are also involved in resolving cultural controversies. For over a century, the ownership of the sculptures and bas-reliefs from the Parthenon and other classical Greek temples on the Acropolis in Athens, brought to England in the early 1800s, has been in dispute. To allow the enjoyment of these cultural treasures while a solution is reached, TorArt has been tasked with creating replicas. This ensures the preservation of an artistic heritage dating back to 447 BC.

Working with world-class artists such as Jeff Koons has further validated the quality and reliability of TorArt’s system. Their ability to produce works that were previously impossible, in a shorter timeframe, is a testament to the advancements in modern society. The design philosophy behind TorArt’s robotic system prioritizes a “gentle” approach, utilizing diamond bits of progressively finer size to mill the material. Additionally, they employ composite materials obtained through recycling processing waste, promoting sustainability in stone processing.

TorArt’s visionary projects have garnered international recognition and admiration. Their dedication to preserving and replicating art is revolutionizing the field. To learn more about TorArt and their ROBOTOR projects, visit their website. Share your thoughts on these groundbreaking initiatives in the comments below or connect with TorArt on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Don’t forget to sign up for their free weekly newsletter for the latest 3D printing news delivered straight to your inbox. You can also find their videos on their YouTube channel.

TorArt’s ROBOTOR is changing the face of art replication, merging technology and creativity to ensure the preservation and accessibility of our artistic heritage.

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