Showcasing Sustainability: The 3D Printed LOOPS Tables


From the realm of eco-friendly and innovative 3D printed creations, the Czech designer Martin Žampach uncovers his latest imaginative 3D printed array – LOOPS. Among numerous designers who are exploring 3D printed expression in art, fashion and furniture, LOOPS adapts the idea of additive production and infuses elements of sustainability and reprocessed materials into its design and formation, comparably seen with various other materials like ocean plastics or sawdust. But, a defining property of the LOOPS coffee table range is the unification of two unique materials that make up the base and the tabletop.

Undoubtedly, these 3D printed coffee tables make a flawless complement to your 3D printed chairs! Nevertheless, the materials’ distinct form and makeup represent more than merely design and utility. For this project, the essential part of Žampach’s concentration was on sustainability and autonomy. The latter is characterized by the artist’s decision to fabricate the table bases utilizing an industrial robotic 3D printer, that deploys a robotic arm to push out the material into the wanted form. The large magnitude of this industrial machine allows for more liquid shapes, able to be printed as one piece without any gaps or junctions.

Eco-friendly emphasis, the second aspect, is accomplished through the designer’s application of sustainable and recycled resources. As pointed out earlier, the tabletops are not 3D printed, but they are the outcome of a collaboration with the Czech firm, Plastic Guys. Plastic Guys repurpose plastic waste and reconstruct the material into a range of forms and objects. The outcome is an unexpectedly stunning surface that covers several colors from white, gold to black, with spirals of secondary color and texture concealed inside.

The 3D printed base doesn’t shy away from being eco-friendly. It’s made from materials derived from responsible forestry practices used in the extrusion process. The use of industrial 3D printers also expands the range of materials that can be used for construction. This base is printed layer by layer, creating geometric patterns that literally grow before your eyes. Žampach explains, “Working with environmentally-friendly materials that reflect my respect for nature was important to me, and I wanted to make sure they had minimal negative impact.”

The outcome is a set of three tables available to buy. With differences in base shape, tabletop color, and dimensions, it’s a unique collection which allows for creative customizations. The entire LOOPS collection is displayed on Martin Žampach’s website, together with his collections of 3D printed vase. You can view them all HERE.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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