Soleolico introduces turbine-solar systems that are integrated with 3D printing technology.


Soleolico, a pioneering company in the green energy sector, has revolutionized the way we think about energy production. Their latest innovation combines wind and solar power in a system that features 3D printed components. This innovative design not only enhances the efficiency of green energy production but also provides a versatile and reliable source of renewable energy.

The system utilizes vertical-axis wind turbines with photovoltaic sails mounted on the blades. This combination allows for the simultaneous generation of wind and solar power, ensuring a stable supply of green energy even if one of the sources becomes unavailable. The blades of the turbines are equipped with a patented magnetic system that autonomously orients them according to the prevailing wind conditions, optimizing energy harvest.

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Soleolico’s design includes built-in energy storage capabilities, allowing excess power to be stored for later use. This ensures that no energy goes to waste, further increasing the efficiency of the system.

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of Soleolico’s design is the incorporation of a 3D printable coating made of “natural agents”. This coating acts as a synthetic counterpart to natural trees by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. Manufactured using Pure.Tech organic 3D printing technology, these components enhance the environmental benefits of the system. In fact, each unit of Soleolico can absorb CO2 equivalent to 287 trees annually, as certified by European Environmental Agency data.

But the benefits of Soleolico’s system go beyond environmental considerations. These units can also function as electronic billboards, displaying advertisements and generating revenue for stakeholders. This multi-utility aspect enhances the value proposition of the system, making it a more attractive option for potential users.

Soleolico’s combined wind and solar energy system is a game-changer in the green energy sector. Its innovative design, utilizing 3D printed components and incorporating multiple sources of renewable energy, ensures a reliable and efficient supply of green power. The added environmental benefits, such as CO2 capture, and the revenue-generating potential of the system make it a highly attractive option for individuals and businesses alike.

What do you think of Soleolico’s system? Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay updated with all the latest stories and innovations in the industry.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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