Stratasys will no longer provide support for certain FDM machines, bidding farewell to the past.


Stratasys, one of the pioneers in the world of 3D printing, recently made an announcement that left many businesses disappointed. The company announced that it will be ending its service for several notable FDM machines. For those unfamiliar with the term, FDM stands for fused deposition modeling, which is a specific additive manufacturing process used in 3D printing.

Stratasys has a long history in the 3D printing industry, with its founder Scott Crump being responsible for inventing the FDM process, also known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) outside of Stratasys. The company quickly gained popularity in the early days of 3D printing by developing a series of industrial 3D printers, primarily used for prototyping by businesses of all sizes.

During those early years, 3D printers were considered a luxury item, especially for businesses. The machines came with an exorbitant price tag, often exceeding $100,000. As a result, businesses would invest in these machines with the intention of using them for many years, writing off the cost over that extended period. This mindset has led to the presence of many older machines still in use at various businesses today. After all, if it’s still functional, why replace it?

However, as time goes on, these machines naturally degrade and require maintenance and repairs. To cater to the needs of its customers, Stratasys offered several service programs to ensure the continued functioning of its equipment. But like all good things, these support programs had to come to an end at some point. And that point is apparently the end of February next year, when Stratasys will cancel all service programs and will no longer guarantee the availability of spare parts.

Despite this, Stratasys will continue to sell materials for the uPrint and Fortus 250 machines, albeit with a price increase. But the company’s main focus is clearly on urging its customers to transition to its newer and more advanced F123 series of 3D printers. These machines offer significantly enhanced capabilities and are designed to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of the industry.

As someone who has had the opportunity to use a few of the Stratasys machines, it is bittersweet to see them go. On one hand, it is sad to bid farewell to technology that has served us well for so long. On the other hand, it is a necessary step forward. Technology is constantly evolving, and we must embrace the changes and keep riding the wave of progress.

To put things into perspective, let’s take a look at one of Stratasys’ early consumer-focused 3D printers, the Mojo, which was launched back in 2012. When we compare its specifications to the devices available today, it is quite a shock. I recently tested a desktop 3D printer that costs only $199, yet it offers far greater power and speed compared to the Mojo. In terms of price, you could buy about 50 Creality printers for the price of one Mojo.

This stark contrast in capabilities and affordability further emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt and embrace the latest advancements in technology. While it may be difficult to say goodbye to familiar and trusted machines, it is essential to move forward and take advantage of the opportunities provided by newer, more efficient 3D printers.

In conclusion, Stratasys’ decision to end service for its old FDM machines may come as a disappointment to some, but it is a necessary step for progress. Businesses should seize this opportunity to explore the advanced features and capabilities offered by the newer F123 series. Embracing change and staying ahead of the curve is the key to success in the ever-evolving world of 3D printing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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