Taiwanese Institute Achieves Milestone in Creating Country’s First 3D Printed Jaw Prothesis


The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan and Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital (KVGH) have collaborated in producing the nation’s pioneer 3D printed prosthetic jaws, custom-made for individuals suffering from oral cancer. This crucial development was publicized at a recent press announcement. It carries a high relevance for nearly 10,000 persons diagnosed with oral cancers in Taiwan every year. A large part of these patients have to undergo reconstructive surgeries that drastically alter their countenance, and their ability to eat and speak.

Tsau Fang-hei, the head of ITRI’s southern division, accentuated the uniqueness of this application of the 3D printing technology in the field of medical implements, notably in light of prosthetic jaws. Prior to launching clinical experiments in 2019, ITRI carried out comprehensive simulations, executing more than 500 million occlusion evaluations to confirm the prosthetics’ suitability and efficiency.

Lin Yao-hsiang, the superintendent of the hospital, declared positive results from the studies. Among the nine patients who were provided with these prosthetics, none reported any loosening of the appliance. Remarkably, over half are showing progress in reclaiming their ability to chew.

ITRI and KVGH are set to further refine the design of these 3D printed prosthetic jaws, aiming for broader future applications. This venture stands as a significant stride in medical prosthetics, leveraging 3D printing to enhance the quality of life for oral cancer patients.

Source: focustaiwan.tw

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