Technical specifications and pricing of the world’s first desktop chemical vapor smoothing machine launched by AMT.


A Revolutionary Addition to the 3D Printing Landscape: The PostPro SFX

In a major move that follows a strategic business restructuring, Additive Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) has unveiled its groundbreaking desktop chemical vapor smoothing machine, the PostPro SFX. This compact device aims to completely transform the 3D printing landscape by offering users a never-before-seen approach to achieving the desired quality and finish for their 3D printed objects.

Designed to meet the needs of a wide range of 3D printer users, from individuals using smaller platforms like Formlabs Fuse 1, Sinterit Lisa, Sintratec, and WeMatter, to those with industrial-grade systems like Nexa 3D, 3D Systems, HP, EOS, and Stratasys, the PostPro SFX is set to revolutionize the industry by making it easier for users to obtain the best results from their 3D printed parts.

According to AMT CEO Joseph Crabtree, excitement is already mounting around the launch of the PostPro SFX, with production capacity quickly filling up. Crabtree believes that this machine has the potential to revolutionize the 3D printing industry and provide users with an unprecedented level of quality and finish for their creations.

One of the standout features of the PostPro SFX is its compact design, which includes an 11-liter process chamber that enhances its versatility and makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. The machine is compatible with all Nylons, with ongoing efforts to expand its capabilities to include materials such as TPUs and TPEs.

Notably, the PostPro SFX operates exclusively with AMT’s patent-pending consumable solvent, PostPro Pure. This solvent is conveniently supplied in 1-liter cartridges, which can be safely disposed of by consumers after use, aligning with an environmentally responsible approach to 3D printing post-processing.

To further enhance the user experience, AMT has partnered with Saint-Gobain to introduce the Technology Upgrade Package (TUP ‘lite’) automatic recipe generation software. This collaborative feature ensures that users can effortlessly achieve optimal results right from the start, streamlining the chemical vapor smoothing process.

AMT’s PostPro SFX is the result of a decade-long experience in chemical vapor smoothing and comes with an extensive patent portfolio covering its novel processes, solvents, and cartridge systems. The company has already established itself as a trusted name in the industry, having finished over 30 million parts for more than 300 customers.

Despite challenges such as consolidation, reduced 3D printer sales, and supply chain issues, AMT has achieved revenue growth, reaching around €12-13 million. As the company continues to focus on profitability and sustainability, it is committed to delivering added value to customers and driving the expansion of additive manufacturing.

The PostPro SFX is competitively priced at €17,999 and is expected to start shipping in early 2024. Pre-orders can be made on AMT’s website, with a €999 deposit. Early orders placed before November 2023 will receive a 20% discount, reducing the price to €14,999. AMT is also actively seeking potential re-sellers.

The future of 3D printing holds great promise, with endless possibilities for innovation and functionality. As the industry continues to evolve and mature, AMT is positioning itself at the forefront of this advancement, driving the growth of additive manufacturing and setting new standards for quality and finish in the 3D printing landscape.

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Alright, now let’s get down to business. In today’s post, we have a truly fascinating story to share with you about the additive manufacturing industry. And if you happen to be on the lookout for a job in this exciting field, then we’ve got some great news for you too. We’ve partnered with 3D Printing Jobs to bring you a curated selection of job roles in the additive manufacturing industry. How cool is that?

Now, let’s talk about the star of the show – the AMT PostPro SFX. This remarkable machine has been turning heads and making waves in the additive manufacturing community. Just take a look at the featured image of the AMT PostPro SFX front view, courtesy of AMT. It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it?

But what sets this machine apart from the rest? Well, the AMT PostPro SFX is a game-changer when it comes to post-processing in additive manufacturing. It offers a unique and highly effective solution for achieving high-quality surface finishes and removing support structures from printed parts. With its innovative technology and outstanding performance, this machine is revolutionizing the way we think about post-processing in the additive manufacturing industry.

So, whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to explore job opportunities in the additive manufacturing sector or simply interested in staying up to date with the latest advancements in the field, we’ve got you covered. Head on over to 3D Printing Jobs to discover a range of exciting roles that could be the next step in your career journey. And don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and subscribe to our Youtube channel for even more engaging content.

That’s all for today, folks. We hope you enjoyed this slightly different take on our usual blog style. Stay tuned for more exciting stories and updates from the additive manufacturing world. Until next time!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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