The first-ever 3D-printed salmon is now available in stores, and it appears quite appetizing.


A Fishy Delight: Revo Foods’ Revolutionary 3D-Printed Vegan Filet

In a world grappling with the environmental and economic challenges of the seafood industry, many experts agree that sustainable alternatives are the way forward. Overfishing has wreaked havoc on our oceans, causing ecological damage, plastic pollution, and posing a threat to marine biodiversity. For years, researchers have been exploring innovative seafood alternatives, and now, an Austrian-based food-tech startup called Revo Foods is about to make waves in the industry.

Revo Foods recently announced that their 3D-printed vegan fish filet, inspired by salmon, is set to hit the shelves of European grocery stores. This groundbreaking achievement marks the first time 3D-printed food will be available for consumers. The arrival of “The Filet” is not just a significant moment for Revo Foods but also for sustainable food as a whole. It signals the scalability of 3D-printed consumables at an industrial level, opening up a world of possibilities for other such products in the future.

The demand for seafood has been steadily increasing despite environmental concerns, including coral reef loss, rising toxin levels, and microplastic contamination in fish. Vegan seafood, as a sustainable alternative, holds tremendous promise. The key to its success lies in creating an authentic taste that appeals to consumers. Revo Foods achieves this by using mycoprotein derived from nutrition-heavy filamentous fungi, which offers a meat-like texture. The recipe for “The Filet” includes only 12 other ingredients, such as pea proteins, plant oils, and algae extracts.

Not only does Revo Foods’ Filet replicate the taste of regular salmon, but it also boasts a three-week shelf life, a significant improvement compared to traditional salmon products. With its high protein and Omega-3 content, this 3D-printed delicacy provides a guilt-free and sustainable option for seafood lovers.

Revo Foods’ CEO, Robin Simsa, believes that their achievement marks the beginning of a creative food revolution. By harnessing the power of industrial-scale 3D food printing, they can customize food based on each customer’s needs and preferences. While currently limited to European markets, Revo Foods has ambitious plans to expand availability globally, with a projected entry into the US market by 2025.

The Revo Salmon dancehall theme song, a quirky addition to their offerings, keeps hungry diners entertained while they await the company’s expansion. As the demand for sustainable alternatives continues to rise, Revo Foods is at the forefront of a new era in food production, where innovation and environmental consciousness go hand in hand.

About the Author:

Andrew Paul is a staff writer at Popular Science, specializing in tech news. He has contributed to various publications, including The A.V. Club, Rolling Stone, GQ, and Slate. With a passion for science and technology, Andrew explores the latest advancements that shape our future. He resides outside Indianapolis, bringing stories of innovation from across the globe to his readers.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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