The first Slurry SLA 3D printer for micro metal parts has been launched by Holo.


A Revolutionary Technology: Slurry Stereolithography (SLA)

When it comes to manufacturing metal parts, slurry stereolithography (SLA) has emerged as a game-changer. This cutting-edge technology allows for the transformation of loaded vat polymerization resins into highly detailed and accurate metal parts. In particular, SLA has proven invaluable in the medical and micro-scale industries, as well as for applications like heat exchangers.

Several companies have made significant advancements in the field of slurry SLA. Lithoz, Incus, MetShape, and Holo are some of the leading pioneers in this technology. Commonly referred to as lithography metal manufacturing, SLA offers exceptional precision, smooth inner surfaces, high accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. Among these companies, Holo is taking SLA to new heights with its latest launch, the H200 production system.

Previously, Holo exclusively operated as a service provider, allowing customers to order parts in various alloys, including copper, stainless steel, titanium, and alumina. However, with the H200 system, Holo now offers the opportunity for customers to have their own system on-site. This system is versatile and capable of handling both low volume production and part runs extending into the millions. Holo has rigorously tested the system through its own print service production, showcasing its practical utility.

The H200 system produces incredibly detailed parts, with fine details reaching up to 50µm and tolerances of +/-25µm or +/-0.1%. It also boasts an impressive surface roughness of 1-3µm Ra, which means that many parts can be utilized directly without additional post-processing, reducing costs. With a build volume of 244 x 195 x 200 mm, the system is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing MIM furnaces.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the H200 system, Holo shared an image of a dental abutment. This part, used to secure a dental implant in place, was printed in just eight seconds. The abutment features 3D printed threads with a 200µm thread pitch. The H200 system is currently compatible with 17-4PH and 316L stainless steel, as well as copper. Copper, in particular, holds exciting potential for use in heatsinks and other industrial components. Holo plans to expand the system’s material compatibility to include Inconel and Ti-64 in the future.

Holo’s Chief Strategy Officer, Arian Aghababaie, emphasized that the H200 system produces MIM-quality parts without the need for molds and eliminates the need for post-machining or polishing. This “true to CAD” approach is ideal for demanding, high-volume end-use applications.

Holo’s CEO, Hal Zarem, expressed excitement about customers gaining access to the H200 system. He believes that this technology will make scalable, production-ready additive manufacturing a reality, especially in fields like surgical instruments. Holo has already shipped over 10,000 parts using the system, primarily targeting the aerospace, electronics, and medical sectors.

As an avid follower of technological advancements, I am particularly intrigued by slurry SLA and its potential in the micro space. This technology offers distinct advantages in terms of quality and repeatability. One standout feature is the ability to create intricate, clear channels within the objects produced, making it ideal for crafting highly detailed heatsinks, mechanical components, assemblies, and hydraulic parts. Imagine a heatsink for eyeglasses that prevents them from fogging up or microhydraulics in robots and aerospace applications. Slurry SLA eliminates the need for abrasive flow machining and opens up a world of possibilities.

The future is bright for slurry SLA, and I am excited to see what innovative applications will emerge. It represents a remarkable step forward for additive manufacturing, and I believe we are witnessing the beginning of a new era. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the 3D printing industry and explore the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive updates from third-party vendors and access exclusive information and offers.

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