The Fusion of 3D Printed Innovation and Traditional Korean Furniture


Kim Min Hyuk’s Saero series offers a refreshing reimagining of traditional Korean furniture, integrating cultural lineage with the essence of modern design. By moving beyond the usual confines, Saero has evolved beyond mere functionality, embodying the aesthetics of historic orientalist artwork and standing out as a streamlined showpiece.

Aluminum profiles are foundational in the Saero series, offering their featherlight yet sturdy properties to the furniture. These profiles, usually found in automation machines and 3D printers, find an unconventional use as they elegantly mold the sculptural partitions and tables of Saero. Intriguingly, the patterns formed cross-sectionally during extrusion resonate impressively with customary Korean motifs, instilling the creations with a timeless appeal.

The ingenious incorporation of modern materials, comprising bioplastic and 3D printing technologies, vivifies the long-established designs. The aluminum profiles, furnished with a rail, smoothly combine with 3D printed parts beautified with oriental illustrations. This novel strategy ensures not only a perfect fit but also metamorphoses the assembly procedure into a mesmerizing three-dimensional scene.

A close-up of the 3D printed inlays. (Image Credit: Kim Min Hyuk)

The Saero collection represents a bold departure from the conventional byeongpung, reimagining its role from a mere wind-blocking screen to a stylish, historically inspired centerpiece. Kim Min Hyuk’s reinterpretation of culture and heritage through 3D printed aluminum opens new possibilities for the intersection of tradition and innovation in furniture design.


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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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